Matthew 马太福音 5:27-30 — Adultery – An Act or Desire of Heart? 奸淫 – 行为或心欲?

  1. The Deed of Adultery 奸淫之行 (5:27)

The seventh commandment forbids adultery (Ex. 20:14; Deut. 5:18), and Leviticus 20:10 prescribes the death penalty for those who commit it: “If there is a man who commits adultery with another man’s wife, one who commits adultery with his friend’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.” Jesus Himself upheld the Old Testament condemnation of adultery (Matt. 5:27; 19:18). However, He made the prohibition stronger, condemning not only the physical act, but also the lustful attitude that conceives it (Matt. 5:28).



  1. The Desires of the Hearts 心之所欲 (5:28)

The issue of the sin of adultery is not just the physical act but the lustful heart. To overcome the sin of adultery is to discipline of the desire of the heart. The root of sin is in the heart. Jesus said if you clean the inside, the outside will also be clean (Mat 23:26).



  1. The Deliverance of the adultery 脱离奸淫 (5:29-30)

Jesus is speaking figuratively since the problem is with the heart. Plucking out an eye or cutting off a hand will not cure the lust of the heart. What this hyperbolic statement demonstrates is that sin must be dealt with radically. Paul said, “I buffet my body and make it my slave, lest possibly, after I have preached to others, I myself should be disqualified” (1 Cor. 9:27).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Do you commit adultery or fornication? Fornication comes from the Greek word pornography. In the age of internet are you committing this sin in secret? Bear in mind the Lord is omnipresent and omniscient. He is there and he knows. Confess to Him.

你是否犯淫乱的罪?淫乱来自希腊“色情”这词 。在这科技网络时代里,你是否在暗中犯此罪呢?请铭记,主是无所不在、无所不知的。祂就在那儿,并晓得一切。请在祂面前自我省察。


  1. Sex in marriage is good and holy because it is created by God (Heb. 13:4). However, if it is outside marriage it is sin. In order to avoid this sin, Job made a covenant with his eyes not to gaze at a virgin (Job 31:1). Do you have ‘wandering’ eyes? Pray that you would stay holy.



  1. Gouging of eyes and cutting of hands are metaphorical language. A person can still sin without their eyes and hands. The point is that we must take radical steps to deal with sin. Do you confront this sin radically, seriously, and decisively?