Matthew 马太福音 25:1-13 — Readiness in Waiting 等待中的预备

Following His previous message to be prepared for His second coming, Jesus then spoke of two parables to illustrate how we are to do that. The first, the parable of the ten virgins, warns of the importance of being prepared to meet Christ when He returns to earth.



  1. The ten virgins 十童女 (25:1-5)

The ten virgins represent professed disciples of Christ who claim to love His appearing and who demonstrate outward readiness for entrance into His kingdom. Though alike in appearance, not all were prepared – the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps, while the foolish did not.



  1. The bridegroom 新郎 (25:6-12)

Most people are deep asleep at midnight, which again underscores the unexpectedness of Christ’s return. It is here when the foolish realized their folly – they had no oil. The wise had sufficient only for their own and were unable to help. While trying to make last minute purchases, the bridegroom came and only those ready entered with Him. The door was shut thereafter.



  1. The warning 警告 (25:13)

Jesus closed with a stern warning – watch therefore, for you know neither the day not the hour of His coming. Be prepared before all is lost.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The virgins were properly adorned, but not all were with proper lamps. Furthermore, no reason was given for the negligence of the foolish virgins, for all are irrelevant. Are we self-deceived, thinking that mere association with people of Christ and His church will make us true member of God’s family? Pray that take heed, lest we fall (1 Cor. 10:12).



  1. It was necessary that each had her own oil. Salvation is non-transferable; intercessions of saints for sinners at the judgment throne of God will render to none. Is your salvation secured in its only source – Christ? Pray that we are assured of our salvation.



  1. “I never knew you” (7:23); “I do not know you” (25:12) – Are these words we want to hear at God’s throne? Do you fear God and take His judgment seriously?
