Matthew 马太福音 5:31-32 — Divorce and Remarriage 离婚与重婚

There are many confused and conflicting ideas in our day about the biblical teaching on marriage and divorce. Some feel marriage is personal, and one can decide as one wishes. There are others who feel under no circumstances is divorce allowed. But what did Jesus say?



  1. Divorce is not allowed 离婚是不被允许的

Marriage is not man’s invention. It was instituted by God before the Fall, so it is good and holy (Gen 1:31; Heb 13:4).  Jesus said what God has joined together; let no man separate (Matt 19:6). God said He hates divorce (Mal 2:16).



  1. Divorce is allowed under any circumstance 离婚在任何情况下是被允许的 (5:31)

There are others who think that marriage is a contract between two persons. They can be divorced so long both agree and file the necessary paperwork. This is erroneous interpretation of Deut 24:1–4 by the Pharisees was used to justify their idea of divorce. They misrepresented the passage to their convenience, saying a man could divorce his wife so long she was given written notice (Matt. 19:7).



  1. Divorce is allowed only under one condition 离婚只在一种情况下是允许的 (5:32)

Jesus said divorce can only happen on the ground of sexual immorality (Matt 5:32). In the OT, Israel was found to be unfaithful and the LORD divorced her (Jer 3:8). Divorce is allowed only on the ground of adultery. This is to protect the innocent spouse when the other party is unrepentant and continues to sin.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Marriage is a blessing from the Lord. After creating Adam and Eve, God “blessed them” and said, “Be fruitful and multiply” (Gen 1:28). Are you a blessing to your spouse? Pray to God that you will be a blessing to them.

婚姻是主的祝福。神在创造亚当和夏娃后就 “赐福”给他们说:“要生养众多”(创1:28)。你是你配偶的福分吗?向神祷告,叫你能成为你配偶和家人的祝福。


  1. When man sinned, marriage was broken. Adam immediately blamed Eve (Gen. 3:12). Sin not only separates us from God, it also separates us from one another. Pray that you keep yourself from sin otherwise it will destroy not only you, but your family.



  1. In the NT, marriage was supposed to reflect the relationship between Christ and the church (Eph. 5:22-32). Is your marriage reflecting the redemptive aspect of our salvation? Pray that your marriage will draw people to Christ in salvation.