Matthew 马太福音 13:1-23 — The Kingdom and the Word 天国与话语

  1. The Parable 比喻 (13:1-9)

Jesus told the story of the sower, who casts his seeds on various grounds. First, on the paths or roads, which are hard and impenetrable, leaving seeds exposed for the birds. Second, on the rocky grounds which have underlying beds of solid rock; germinated seeds cannot have deep roots but sprang upwards instead. Third, the seeds on thorn-infested grounds will eventually be killed by the competition for necessary nutrients. Forth, good soil is soft and loose, free from weeds, and have sufficient depth to support the growth of good plants.



  1. The Point 目的 (13:18-23)

The four soils represent four kinds of heart that hear the gospel. First, the hardened heart allows no penetration of the Word into his mind, leaving him utterly exposed to Satan’s attacks. This is clearly not a believer since he does not understand the Word. Second, the superficial heart has a rapid positive response to the gospel but with no real repentance, his faith is scorched when tested. Falls away is from skandalizō, which means to stumble, fall or scandalize. This is also not a true believer as John said, “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us (1Jo 2:19). Third, the worldly heart may profess faith, but love for riches and the things of the world soon chokes the gospel out of it. This third soil is infested with thorns that represent the man who is too worldly for the Word to take root and grow in his heart. This is also not a believer since there is no change of hearts and there are no fruits of repentance. His first love is for the things of the world and he is preoccupied with the world. Forth, the receptive heart is rightly prepared to hear and understand His Word. The ultimate mark of a genuine believer is the bearing of fruit.


Praying the Scripture 经文祷告


  1. There are four soils represent four kinds of heart that hear the gospel. Which one do you belong? How do you know?



  1. Please examine yourselves to see what is your first love – the world or the Lord?



  1. What kinds of fruit are you bearing to signify your salvation? Can you explain?
