Matthew 马太福音 13:44-58 — Reactions to the Kingdom 对天国的反应

  1. Joy of the Kingdom 天国的喜乐 (13:44-46)

The kingdom of heaven represents the true saving knowledge of God. In both parables, salvation is deemed priceless to the person who finds it. It becomes the source of true joy, where one will be willing to sacrifice all that he had to in order to possess the recognized treasure.



  1. Judgment of the Kingdom 天国的审判 (13:47-52)

The parable of the fishing net is a frightful warning on what happens to the wicked when they are separated from the righteous in the last days (cf. v.40-43). They will be cast into hell, with constant torment, misery and pain of both body and soul. Knowing these, a true disciple of the kingdom who is entrusted with old revelations and new truths, are to proclaim the significance of both.



  1. Jettison the King and His Kingdom 天国与君王被(13:53-58)

Jesus returned to Nazareth, where people knew Him as a boy and young man. Though He had earlier taught and worked miracles in other parts of Galilee (4:23), their basic attitude towards Him had not changed. They were still astonished by His wisdom and power, refusing to recognize His divine origin because of His seemingly ordinary human background. Due to their unbelief, they dammed up His flood of blessing to them (cf. Mark 6:5; Matt. 7:6; 12:38-39).

耶稣回到了拿撒勒;那里的人从耶稣小的时候就认识祂。虽然祂早前已在加利利教导和行神迹了(太4:23),但他们对耶稣的态度基本上没有改变。他们对耶稣的智慧和全能仍感讶异,但却因为祂那看似俗人的背景,拒绝承认祂的神性。因着他们的不信,耶稣阻断了向他们施与的诸般祝福(参:马6:5;太7:6, 12:38-39)。


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Kingdom of heaven is like valuable treasure or pearls that we would want to trade in all we have in order to possess it. What do you value most? A temporal material life on earth or an eternal spiritual life in heaven? Pray that we have a right value of life.



  1. The parable of the fishing net is talking about judgment at the end of the age. The angels shall come forth, and the wicked shall be separated from the righteous, and they will be cast them into the furnace of fire; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (13:47–50). Do you believe there will be final judgment? If so, does your present lifestyle reflect what you believe?



  1. “A prophet is not without honour except in his home town, and in his own household” (13:57). Jesus was being judged not by His teaching but by his familiar relationship with them. The saying, “familiarity breeds contempt” is true. How often we reject our own because we are familiar with them and we reject them because we thought we know them well and not listen closely to their teaching or observe their spiritual growth. Pray that we love our brothers and sisters and accept them and respect for their teaching.

“凡先知,除了本地本家之外,没有不被人尊敬的”(太 13:57)。 耶稣被拒绝的原因不是因为祂的教导,而是因这祂与他们有的熟悉关系。“亲不尊,熟生蔑”这句话确实没错。我们有多少次拒绝了自己人,原因是我们认为对他们已经很熟悉,认为我们非常了解他们,所以不去仔细聆听他们的教导或观察他们的属灵成长?请祷告我们能爱我们的兄弟姊妹,接受他们,并尊重他们的教导。