Deuteronomy 申命记 5 — Repeating of Ten Commandments 重申十诫

God’s people have three responsibilities when it comes to His commandments: hear them, learn them, and do them (v. 1). When we read the Word of God, we should hear the voice of God as the Spirit speaks to us personally. We must allow the Spirit to teach us God’s truth and then empower us to obey it. The blessing comes in the living of the Word and not in the learning (James 1:21–25).



Most of Deuteronomy is an explanation and application of the commandments repeated here. God’s laws are clear and simple; man’s laws are complex. As we walk in love, we fulfill God’s law in the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:1–4; 13:8–10).



Beware a mere outward obedience to the laws of God (Matt. 5:20ff.). We must have a true fear of God in our hearts as well as a love for Him (vv. 28–29). “Hear” and “fear” are not contradictory commands; in fact, they belong together (Deut. 4:10).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The Lord opened the proclamation of His law by reminding the people that it was He who delivered them from the slavery of Egypt (Deut. 5:6; see Neh. 9:9–11; Ps. 77:14–15; 105:23–38; 136:10–15; Isa. 63:11–14). This great act of redemption should have been enough motivation for the people to listen to God’s law and obey it, just as the redemption we have in Christ should motivate us to obey Him.



  1. Nine of the Ten Commandments are repeated in the New Testament epistles for the church to obey; the exception is the fourth commandment (Deut. 5:12–15) about the Sabbath Day. Why? The Sabbath Day was a special sign between Israel and the Lord (Ex. 31:12–17; Neh. 9:13–15; Ezek. 20:12, 20) and wasn’t given to any other nation (Ps. 147:19–20). Many well-meaning people call Sunday “the Christian Sabbath,” but strictly speaking, this is a misnomer. Sunday is the first day of the week, the Lord’s Day, and the Sabbath is Saturday, the seventh day of the week. The Sabbath symbolizes the Old Covenant of Law: you labored for six days and then you rested. The Lord’s Day commemorates the New Covenant of grace: it opens the week with rest in Christ and the works follow.



It is important to devote one day in seven to the Lord in worship and service. Let’s pray that we take the Lord’s Day seriously and not to be absent for trivial reasons such as sports or recreation activities.
