Matthew 马太福音 2:1-12, The Worship of the King 君王的敬拜

After establishing Jesus’ royal genealogy and His virgin birth, Matthew introduced the testimony of the magi who were the powerful kingmakers from the east traveled a great distance to give homage to the infant Jesus (2:2).

  1. The Arrival of Magi  众博士的到来 (2:1-8)

Magi were known as wise men because of their knowledge of mathematics, science, astrology, and they have strong political influence. That’s why they can have access to Herod on arrival. After Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream he was also appointed as ruler over Babylon and chief magi over all the wise men (magi) (Dan. 2:48).  Some magi were strongly influenced by Judaism, quite possibly by some of the prophetic writings.

  1. The Adoration of the Magi  众博士的崇拜 (2:9-11).

Matthew is careful to say that the magi worshiped Him, that is, the Child, not His mother. It was also to Him that they presented their gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh. The gifts were an expression of worship, given out of the overflow of adoring and grateful hearts.

  1. The Abandonment of the Magi 众博士的弃绝 (2:12)

With their mission of worship and adoration completed, the magi left Bethlehem. But having been warned by God in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed for their own country by another way.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. We read from this passage that even the Gentile magi travel great distances to pay homage to the King Jesus. How far did you travel on Sunday to worship our Lord? Is distance an excuse for you not to go to church? What is the attitude of our hearts compared to these magi from the East? Please respond to God in prayer.
  1. These Magi from the East gave their best: gold and frankincense and myrrh. What did you bring to worship the king on Sunday?
  1. It is clear that the magi worship Jesus alone, not his earthly mother. Jesus said that whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother. (Mat 12:50) Are you doing the will of God? Pray response to God in prayer.