Matthew 马太福音 3:1-6 — The Herald of the King 君王的先锋

In chapter 1, Jesus’ kingship is shown by the royal line of David and virgin birth. In Chapter 2, His kingship is shown by the homage of the magi. Now in chapter 3, it is shown by the herald of the king.



  1. The Messenger 耶稣的先锋 (3:1)
In ancient times the job of a herald is to precede the arrival of the monarch, to announce his coming and to prepare for his safe travel. In Jesus’ case this man was John the Baptist.


  1. The Message (3:2-4)

To prepare the people to receive their King, John preached the message of repentance. The Greek word for “repent” means more than regret or sorrow. It means to turn around, 180 degree change of direction. It does not denote any change but a change from the wrong to the right; from sin and to God.


  1. The Ministry 先锋的信息 (3:5-6)
The immediate effect of John’s preaching was dramatic. People were coming from the city (Jerusalem), from outside the city (Judea) and all around the Jordan River. In other words all over southern Palestine, including both sides of the Jordan River were coming to him to confess their sins. John’s baptism symbolizes repentance of sins and it was different from water baptism commanded by the Lord which means identification with Jesus Christ.

Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The central message John the Baptist preached is repentance from sins. Look around the churches today, what is the central message they preach? Are they preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ or are they preaching another gospel? Please pray for the genuine preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our churches today.
  1. The word “repent” means about turn. It means we turn away from our way and turn toward God. Is there anything in your lives you need to turn away from? Let’s pray that God will search us, try us and lead us in His way (Ps. 139:23-24).
  1. When the people heard the word of the Lord, they repented immediately. What about us? Let’s pray that we have a sensitive heart that we may hear and respond to the Lord swiftly.