Deuteronomy 申命记 6 — Shema 施玛篇

Verse 4 is called “the Shema,” from the Hebrew word for “hear.” The devout Jew recites it several times a day to affirm his faith in Jehovah. The worship of foreign gods was always a threat to Israel, and this statement of faith reminded the Jews that Jehovah is the true and living God who alone deserves worship and obedience. (See 1 John 5:21.)

第4节被称是“施玛篇”(the Shema),源自希伯来文“听到”一词。虔诚的犹太人每天会将它背颂数次,以此表示他信耶和华。敬拜异教的神对以色列来说一直是一个危险,而这段信心的条例提醒犹太人:耶和华是唯一配得他们敬拜与顺服的永活真神(见约一5:21)。


We must love the Lord with all our hearts by keeping all His Word all the days of our lives (v. 2). He cannot accept halfhearted worship or obedience (Eph. 6:6; 1 John 5:3).



How do we show our love to Him? By hearing and obeying His Word and by sharing it with others. If we love God, His truth will be a part of our normal daily conversation. We also show our love to Him by appreciating His blessings. Times of prosperity become times of temptation if we receive the gifts but fail to thank the Giver (vv. 10–15). (See Phil. 4:11–13; James 1:17.)

我们要如何展示自己爱神呢?即通过听从与顺服祂的话,并与他人分享。如果我们爱神,祂的真理很自然地就会成为我们日常会话的一部分。我们也通过感谢祂所赐下的祝福表明自己爱神。繁荣时光使我们容易陷入享受礼物但却不感谢那位恩主的诱惑(10-15节)。 (见腓4:11-13;各1:17)


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. To love God and to worship and serve Him is the highest privilege we can have, so when the Lord commands us to love, He is inviting us to that which is the best. But our love for God must involve the totality of the inner person—“with all your heart … soul … and strength.” It isn’t necessary to define and distinguish these elements, as though they were three different internal human functions. In some Scriptures only two are named (Deut. 4:29; 10:12; Josh. 22:5), while in other parallel Scriptures there are four (Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27). The phrase simply means “all that is within you” (Ps. 103:1), a total devotion to the Lord. If the inner person is completely yielded to the Lord and open to His Word as ministered by His Spirit, then the feelings will follow. But even if they don’t, we must still relate to other people as the Lord relates to us. Let’s pray that we truly love God from our hearts.



  1. These words that I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. (Deu 6:6-7) It is important that as parents, we must take the words of God to our hearts first before teaching them diligently to our children. Notice it is the parents’ responsibility to teach God’s words to their children and the method of teaching is within daily conversation not just in classroom. Let’s pray that Christian parents take the words of God seriously and teach them to their children in and through their daily lives.
