Matthew 马太福音 22:15-22 — Christian and Taxation 基督徒与纳税

Following Jesus’ series of judgment parables against them, the religionists responded by confronting Him with a series of three questions to maneuver Him into condemning Himself either politically or religiously.



  1. The attack 其攻击 (22:15-17)

The Pharisees used their disciples to pose this question on poll tax in hope that Jesus would be caught off guard. They even allied with the Herodians who had strong allegiance to Rome as their witness against Jesus. The poll-tax was an annual tax which was resented by the Jews. If Jesus gave a favorable answer to the tax, He would become despised by the Jewish community. But if He declared that the tax should not be paid to Caesar, He would then be accused as an insurrectionist.



  1. The analogy 其比喻 (22:18-20)

Only the Roman denarius could be used to pay the poll-tax in Jesus days. It was exclusively minted by the emperor, with his engraving and an identifying inscription. It was the denarius that Jesus used as the analogy before answering them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”



  1. The answer 其答复 (22:21-22)

The word “render” means to give back and carries the idea of obligation and responsibility. In His answer, Jesus here declared that every person has the legitimate duty of paying taxes to their government. This is the authority given to the government by God. However, men must also render to God the things that are God’s.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Instead of taking Jesus’ warnings to heart and seeking to avoid the judgment, the Pharisees only wanted a word from Jesus in order to bring about His own destruction. What about you? Are you taking the Word of God to heart? Or are you focusing to get what you want?



  1. “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” (Rom 13:1) Do you obey the governing authorities or do you follow the cultural practice of opposing against them? Let’s pray that we will obey the government not in fear of men, but in the fear of God.



  1. The government only has authority over us in the social and economic realm. Are you able to discern your obligation to the government and to God?
