Exodus 出埃及记 26 — The Veil 幔子

Ten curtains, fifty loops, fifty clasps, forty sockets, twenty boards, two veils—yet it was one sanctuary: “That it may be one tabernacle” (v. 6); “That it may be one” (v. 11). Diversity, yes; but unity in diversity. We are reminded in 1 Cor. 12:4-6 that there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.



There was only one plan for the tabernacle, and it came from God (v. 30). Man’s cleverness and wisdom may bring success in the things of the world (Luke 16:8), but they will destroy the work of the Lord (1 Cor. 3:16–23). Be sure you get your plans from heaven and not from the world.

制造帐幕的模式只有一个,而这源于神(第30节)。人的聪明与智慧或许能带来世俗上的成功(路16:8),但只会破坏主的工作(林前 3:16-23)。要确保你的计划来自天上而非世界。


There was one set of measurements for the building (v. 2). When we measure ministry by God’s standards, we will have unity, but if we use our own standards, there will be division.



They used only the materials that God told them to use. In 1 Corinthians 3:10–16, read about building with the proper materials that will endure. Note the emphasis on gold in chapter 37, silver in chapter 38, and precious stones in chapter 39.



The sanctuary was indwelt by one glory, the glory of God. When man brings in his glory, there is division. Jesus prayed that His people might be one (John 17:20–23). Are you helping to answer that prayer?



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. God manifested his presence among the Israelites in a tabernacle. The curtains of the tabernacle were to be very rich. They were to be embroidered with cherubim, signifying that the angels of God and it should remind us how holy and sacred is our Lord. Do you fear Him? Let’s pray that we understand and fear Him.



  1. There was a veil that separated the holy place from the most holy place (v33). It was hung upon the pillars. This veil was a partition between the holy place and the most holy; which forbade any to look into the holiest of all. Today we have now boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus. Are we grateful for the work of Jesus Christ on the cross? Let’s thank Jesus Christ for His precious provision for us to draw near to the throne of grace.



Exodus 出埃及记 25 — The Tabernacle 帐幕

An Offering 奉献.

God could have made the whole tabernacle by Himself in an instant of creative power, but instead He asked the people to bring Him their offerings. The Israelites were privileged to make a sanctuary for God. Today, we are also helping to build His church, and we must use only the best materials (1 Cor. 3:9–23). Are you giving willingly to God what He has given to you?



A Pattern 模式.

God gave Moses the pattern for the tabernacle just as He later gave David the pattern for the temple (1 Chron. 28:19). When God wants a work done on earth, He has a plan for His people to follow. It is dangerous to turn from God’s plan and follow the wisdom of this world (1 Cor. 3:18–20).



The ark was the throne of God in the Holy of Holies, and God’s glory dwelt between the cherubim on the mercy seat (Ps. 99:1). Our mercy seat is in heaven (Heb. 4:11–16), and the way is always open to God.



The table reminds us that God is the source of our sustenance (Matt. 6:11). The bread also speaks of the spiritual nourishment we have in His Word (Deut. 8:3; Matt. 4:4). The golden candlestick tells us that “God is light” (1 John 1:5) and that we are to be lights in this dark world (Matt. 5:14–16). Just as the lamps were fed by the oil, so we must have the power of the Spirit to be effective witnesses for the Lord (Acts 1:8).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. God chose the people of Israel to be a special people to Himself, above all people, and He would be their King. He ordered a royal palace to be set up among them for Himself, called a sanctuary, or holy place. There He showed His presence among them. The people were to furnish Moses with all the materials by their own free will. The best use we can make of our worldly wealth is to honor God with it in works of piety and charity. Pray that we have cheerful, not grudging hearts, for God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7)



  1. The candlestick (vv. 31-40) represents the light of God’s Word and Spirit, in and through Christ Jesus, to direct their worship and obedience, and to offer them consolations. Exodus 25:40 is an expressed caution to Moses. Nothing was left to his own fancy, or to that of the workmen, or the people; but the will of God must be observed in every way. Christ’s instruction to his disciples (Matt 28:20) was also the same, “Observe All things whatsoever I have commanded you.” Do you obey all that Christ has commanded? Pray that we not only read through the entire Bible but also observe the commands of the Lord.



Exodus 出埃及记 24 — Drawing Near to God 亲近神

There are degrees of closeness to God. The people remained at a distance because of their fear of the Lord. Moses, Joshua, Nadab, Abihu, Aaron, and seventy of the elders went up the mountain to meet God. Then Moses and Joshua went further and finally Moses went into the glory cloud alone.


Oswald Sanders wisely commented, “We are at this moment as close to God as we really choose to be.” God invites us to draw near (James 4:8), but often we are unwilling to do what is necessary to meet Him. The people below had the Book and the blood, and they made promises to obey God; but they did not have the vision of the glory of the Lord that Moses had on the mount.

奥斯瓦尔德·桑德斯明智地说道:“此刻,我们与神之间的距离,就是我们所选择的距离。”神邀请我们亲近祂(雅 4:8),但我们常常不愿意。山下的人也有了石版(书)和宝血,他们也立了顺服神的承诺,但他们却没有摩西到山上见主荣耀的异象。

You would think verse 11 would read, “So they saw God, and they fell down and prayed.” But it says, “They ate and drank.”



This is a beautiful picture of communion with God. Deuteronomy 12:7 said, “You shall eat before the LORD your God, and you shall rejoice, you and your households, in all that you undertake, in which the LORD your God has blessed you. The vision of God’s glory should not make us careless or impractical. We can eat and drink to His glory (1 Cor. 10:31). But beware lest closeness to God leads to careless familiarity, for “our God is a consuming fire” (Heb. 12:28–29). Nadab and Abihu would find that out (Lev. 10:1ff.).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The promise of the Lord in Exodus 6:6–8 was now about to move into its third phase. God had redeemed His people (Ex. 1–18), taken them to Himself as His people (Ex. 19–24) and now He was about to come and dwell among them and be their God (Ex. 25–40). The Lord redeemed us from sins and wants us to be holy so that He can dwell among us. Sadly, so many “Christian” after being saved, went away from God and refused to draw near to him. Do we enjoy the intimacy with God? Do we worship Him in truth and spirit? Do you love Him with all our hearts, strength and might? Let’s pray that you come to God to worship him with gladness.



  1. Notice how Moses led them to draw near to God. After offering, Moses took half of the blood and put it in basins and half of the blood he threw against the altar. (Ex 24:6) Then Moses took the blood and threw it on the people and said, “Behold the blood of the covenant that the LORD has made with you in accordance with all these words.” (Ex 24:8) Do you see how this foreshadowed how Jesus Christ would shed His blood in order for us to draw near to God? Ephesians 2:13 wrote, “Now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. So let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Heb. 4:16)



Exodus 出埃及记 21-23 — Outworking of Law in daily Life 法律在日常生活中的表现

Having stated His basic law, God then told Moses how to apply it to specific situations so that everybody would receive equal justice, which is the principle in verses 22–25. No person was to take the law into his or her own hands. When it comes to personal retaliation, we must obey Matthew 5:38–48.



God’s law shows that He is concerned about everything: men, women, children, the unborn, property and even animals. This is His creation and He has the right to tell us how to manage it. The Law did not change people’s hearts, but it did help to control their conduct and give order to the nation. Laws and government have been instituted by God and we should respect them (Rom. 13).



Some penalties given here may seem harsh to us; but keep in mind that the nation was in its “childhood” (Gal. 4:1–7), and children learn best through rewards and punishments. Forty years later, when the new generation was on the scene, Moses emphasized love when he repeated the Law (Deut. 4:37; 6:4–6; 7:6–13). Love is the fulfillment of the Law (Rom. 13:8–10).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. These principles have been severely criticized by some as being “barbaric” but it’s just the opposite. In an age where there was no the legal system, this law made sure that the punishment meted out by the judges was equal to the seriousness and severity of the crime, not more and not less. If the guilty aggressor blinded his enemy’s eye, then his own eye was blinded. Nothing could be fairer. The sentence must fit the crime. Let’s pray for our government that they will do their duty as God intended.



  1. Justice is the practical outworking of the righteousness of God in human history, for “the Lord loves righteousness and justice” (Ps. 33:5; see Isa. 30:18; 61:8). There may be a great deal of injustice in our world today but the time will come when God will judge the world in righteousness by the Savior that the world has rejected and His judgment will be just (Acts 17:31). Let’s pray that we will be patient and wait on the Lord rather than take things into our own hands.



  1. When Jesus prohibited His disciples from retaliating against those who hurt them (Matt. 5:38–44; 1 Peter 2:19–21), He was dealing with personal revenge (“I’ll get even with you!”) and encouraging personal forgiveness. As believers, we have the privilege of waiving our “legal rights” to the glory of God and not demanding compensation (1 Cor. 6:1–8). Are you willing to forsake your right for the glory of God? Let’s pray that God’s glory is more important in your heart than your own right.

当耶稣禁止祂的门徒向加害他们的人报复时(太5:38-44;彼前2:19-21),耶稣是在针对个人的仇报(“我会向你报复!”),并鼓励个人的宽恕。作为信徒,我们可以不要求赔偿,并放弃个人的“合法权” 来荣耀神(林前6:1-8)。你愿意为了神的荣耀,弃绝你的权利吗?让我们祈祷能在心里重视神的荣耀,轻看自己的权利。


Exodus 出埃及记 20 — Ten Commandments 十诫

The Law does not save sinners (Gal. 2:21; 3:21); it reveals God’s holiness and man’s need for salvation (Rom. 3:20). It is a mirror that shows us how bad we are (James 1:22–2), but it does not provide the cleansing we need. Only Christ can do that.



Under the old covenant, God’s law was written on tables of stone (Exod. 24:12), but under the new covenant, God writes His word on our hearts (2 Cor. 3:1–3). As you meditate on the Word, the Spirit makes it a part of your inner being, and you become more like the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 3:18). The Holy Spirit enables us to fulfill the righteous demands of God’s law (Rom. 8:1–4).



The first four commandments deal with our relationship with God, while the last six deal with our relationship with others. If we love God and obey Him, we will also love others and serve them. (See Matt. 22:34–40).



Some people obey God because of fear (vv. 18–21). Others obey only because they want His blessing. The highest motive for obedience is our love for the Lord. But what if we disobey the Lord? God made provision for Israel in the prescribed sacrifices (vv. 22–26). He has made provision for believers today through the work of Christ (1 John 1:9–2:2). Believers are not under law but under grace. This is not an excuse for sin but an encouragement for loving obedience to His will.



Both nudity and intercourse with temple prostitutes were a part of many pagan religious ceremonies, and these were expressly forbidden by the Lord. God commanded the Jewish priests to wear special garments to cover their nakedness (Ex. 20:226; 28:42–43; Lev. 6:10), and if they failed to obey, they were in danger of being killed (Ex. 28:35, 43).

寺庙妓女在寺里袒露、与寺庙妓女性交是许多异教仪式的一部分,而这些都是主明确禁止的。神吩咐犹太祭司穿戴特殊的衣服以遮掩下体(出20:26,28:42-43;利6:10),而他们若不听从,就有可能被神击死(出 28:35,43)。


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The privilege of freedom brings with it the responsibility to use that freedom wisely for the glory of God and the good of others. The law was never given as a way of salvation because “by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified” (Gal. 2:16). Salvation is not a reward for good works but the gift of God through faith in Jesus Christ (Rom. 4:5; Eph. 2:8–9). The Law reveals the nature of God. Knowing who God is, do you know how to live your life to please Him? Pray that you do.

自由的特权也附带责任,这责任就是要我们明智地使用自由荣耀神,并为别人的益处着想。法律从来就不是得救的方式,“因为凡有血气的,没有一人因行律法称义”(加 2:16)。救恩不是好行为的奖励,它是神借着人对耶稣基督的信靠所赐下的恩典(罗4:5;弗2:8-9)。律法启示了神的属性。我们若晓得神是谁,是否也知道如何过一个讨神喜悦的生活?让我们祷告我们能明确知道。


  1. God is a “jealous God,” not in the sense that He’s envious of other gods, for He knows there is no other gods. The word “jealous” expresses His special love for His people because He wants the very best for them. Just as parents are jealous over their children and spouses over their mates so God is jealous over His beloved ones and will not tolerate competition (Zech. 1:14; 8:2). God desires and deserves the exclusive love of His people (Ex. 34:14; Deut. 4:24; 5:9; 6:15). Let’s pray that you love God with all your heart, soul and might.



Exodus 出埃及记 19 — Set Apart 分别为圣

A Special People 一群特殊的子民.

At the Red Sea, God separated His people from their old life; at Sinai. He brought them into a new life – a covenant relationship with Himself. It was like a wedding ceremony, with God as the Husband and Israel as the wife. Whenever the nation turned from God to idols, God accused them of committing adultery (Isa. 1:21; Jer. 3:1–5). Believers today must also beware of this sin (James 4:4). The church is a nation of kings and priests (1 Pet. 2:5, 9) called to glorify God.



A Sanctified People 一群圣洁的子民.

Because we belong to God, we must be separated from sin (vv. 10, 14, 22). God’s people are set apart from the world and unto the Lord.



A Submissive People 一群顺服的子民.

To impress the people with the fear of the Lord, God demonstrated His power at Sinai and warned them not to come near. It was the childhood of the nation and the people, like children, learned from rewards and punishments. Hebrews 12:18–29 contrasts this experience with that of the New Testament believer today. We must still fear the Lord and respect the boundaries He establishes but we are invited to “draw near” (Heb. 10:19–25). The Israelites were not saved from Egypt by obeying the Law, but their obedience enabled them to enjoy all the blessings God had for them.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Although Aaron and his sons would be consecrated later to serve as priests to the nation (Ex. 28–29), but it was God’s intent that all Israel live as priests, manifesting His truth and sharing His blessings with the world. Unfortunately, instead of Israel influencing the nations to worship God, the nations influenced Israel to worship idols! The Jews adopted the religions and lifestyles of the Gentiles and so desecrated themselves, their land and the temple so much so that God had to chasten them severely and send them into Babylonian captivity. Are you influencing the people around you or are you being influenced by them? Let’s pray that we are blessing to them.



  1. Exodus 19:6 tells us how a nation was born. It was the Lord who brought them out of the bondage of Egypt and make them free so that they can be holy people. Holy people means people who are set apart; people who are different. In every area of life, Israel’s activities were governed by the fact that they belonged to God and that included what they ate, what they wore, who they married, how they buried their dead and especially how they worshiped. Are you being set apart?



  1. Quoting Exodus 19:6, Peter said you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. (1Pe 2:9) Let’s pray that we proclaim His excellencies to all.



Exodus 出埃及记 18 — Godly Leadership 属灵的领导

Balance 平衡.

Moses experienced some exciting things after leaving Egypt, but now he returns to the everyday duties of life. God balances our lives and gives us enough burdens to keep us humble and enough blessings to keep us happy. Moses returned to his family, told them all that God had done, and then worshiped the Lord with them.



Counsel 忠告.

Sometimes an outsider can see things more clearly than those who are doing the work, and we must always be open to counsel (Prov. 12:15; 13:10). Moses was trying to do all the work himself and he was not making a distinction between major matters and minor problems. He needed assistants and he needed priorities. Note that Jethro expected Moses to seek God’s will in the matter (v. 23). What seems like good counsel from men might be bad counsel in God’s sight, so we must always ask for God’s directions (Acts 27:9–14).



Leadership 领导.

Verse 21 describes the kind of leaders God needs, people characterized by ability, the fear of God, honesty, and a hatred for covetousness. (See Acts 6:3 for additional leadership qualities.) Moses was a great man, but he could not do the job alone. God may not call you to be a leader, but He may want you to help a leader do a better job.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. After seeing his family, in Exodus 18:8, Moses told his father-in-law all that the LORD had done to Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel’s sake, all the hardship that had come upon them in the way and how the LORD had delivered them. (Ex 18:8) Do you tell your family members what the Lord did for us? Pray that we will be like Moses who are not ashamed of the Lord but testified for Him and gave glory to His name.



  1. Jethro’s response was, “Now I know that the LORD is greater than all gods, because in this affair they dealt arrogantly with the people.” And Moses’ father-in-law brought a burnt offering and sacrifices to God; and Aaron came with all the elders of Israel to eat bread with Moses’ father-in-law before God. (Ex 18:11-12) Let’s pray that our family members will respond like Jethro who acknowledged God and worshiped Him. Then the rest of us can celebrate together with them.



  1. What are the qualities of leadership we should be looking for? Exodus 18:21 gives us the list. Firstly we should look for able men. Secondly we should look for men who fear God. Thirdly, we should look for men who are trustworthy and lastly men that hate bribes (Ex 18:21) Let’s pray that God raises more men with these qualities to serve Him.



Exodus 出埃及记 17 — Sanctification 成圣

Another Test 另一个考验 (1–7).

You never solve your problems by blaming other people. Israel’s real problem was unbelief and a desire to go back to the old life. Every difficulty you meet is an opportunity for testing yourself and trusting your Lord, for going forward or going backward. The rock pictures Jesus Christ who was smitten for us (1 Cor. 10:4) that we might have the living water of the Holy Spirit within (John 7:37–39).



Another Enemy 另一位敌人 (8–13).

The Egyptian army had been drowned, but the Amalekites were very much alive and did not want Israel in their territory. It was Esau fighting Jacob again (Gen. 36:12). It takes intercession on the mountain as well as intervention in the valley for God’s people to win the victory. Israel watched God defeat Egypt, but now they had to enter the battle themselves and trust God for victory. Our High Priest intercedes in heaven for us (Heb. 4:14–16). This is the first mention of Joshua in Scripture. Little did he know that one day he would take Moses’ place as leader of God’s people.

埃及军队已被淹没,但亚玛力人仍然积极生活,不希望以色列人进入他们的领土。我们再一次看到了以扫与雅各的抗争(创36:12)。神的子民若想得胜,不但需要山顶上的代求,也需山谷中的介入。以色列目睹了神如何击败埃及,但现在他们必须自己加入战局,并相信神会带给他们胜利。我们的大祭司也在天上为我们代求(来 4:14-16)。这使圣经首次提及约书亚。此时的约书亚还不晓得他将来会代替摩西成为神子民的领袖。


Another Assurance 另一份保证 (14–16).

Each test can tell you something new about yourself and about the Lord (Gen. 22:14; Exod. 15:26). When you face the battles of life, remember that He is your banner and can give you victory (John 16:33; 1 John 5:4–5).


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Israel had a long way to go before they would qualify as a godly nation. So far, every new trial they experienced only brought the worst out of them. Sometimes we think we know our hearts, that is until we come face to face with temptation. It is like tea bags without label. The flavor of the tea can only be known by soaking it in boiling water. Every difficulty can make us better or worse, and it’s our own attitude that determines which it will be. Let’s pray that we will learn the lesson and overcome the difficulty with flying colors.



  1. The Amalekites were the descendants of Esau (Gen. 36:12, 16) who was “a profane person” (Heb. 12:16). The word translated “profane” (godless) comes from a Greek word which refers to somebody who is “accessible” and “open-minded.” The English word “profane” comes from the Latin and it means “outside the temple.” Esau lived for the world and despised spiritual things (v. 17). Esau opposed his brother Jacob and threatened to kill him (Gen. 27:41), and Esau’s descendants opposed the children of Jacob (Israel) and threatened to annihilate them. Let’s pray that we are not so naive to think we can befriend the world. Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. (Jam 4:4)



  1. Whenever Moses held up his hand in prayer, Israel prevailed, and whenever he lowered his hand, Amalek prevailed. (Ex 17:11) Are you an overcomer? Do you pray?


Exodus 出埃及记 16 — Heavenly Food 天粮

Before long, the redeemed Jews were acting like unsaved Gentiles, for they asked, “What shall we eat? What shall we drink?” (Matt. 6:25–34). God did not rescue them from bondage in order to kill them with hunger! (See Rom. 8:31–32.) Their real problem was that they still had the old appetite and needed to learn to enjoy the new food God had for them.

没过多久,这些已被赎回的犹太人行事就像未得救的外邦人一样,他们问: “我们吃什么?我们喝什么?”(太6:25-34)。神不可能救以色列人脱离奴役,然后以饥荒饿死他们!(参罗8:31-32)。他们真正的问题是:他们的饮食习惯还没改变,需要学会享用神为他们预备的新食物。


The manna is a picture of Jesus Christ (John 6:30ff.). The manna came only to Israel and all it could do was sustain physical life. But the Savior came for the whole world and He gives spiritual life. If the Jews did not appropriate the manna, they died. Sinners must believe on Jesus Christ to receive life.

吗哪象征耶稣基督(约 6:30 ff)。然而,吗哪只为以色列而降下,也只能维持人的生命。但救主是为世界而来,且赐下的是属灵生命。如果犹太人不吃吗哪,他们就会饿死。罪人也必须信靠耶稣基督才能有真正的生命。


Feeding on the manna is also a picture of your daily appropriation of Christ through the Word of God. Just as your food becomes a part of your very being, so the Word strengthens your inner person when you read it, meditate on it and obey it. Just as the Jews could not live on yesterday’s manna, so you cannot live on yesterday’s spiritual diet. Begin each day with the Lord, and He will give you what you need for facing the burdens and battles ahead.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Moses said, “Your grumbling is not against us but against the LORD.” (Ex 16:8) Grumbling is sin because you do not want to accept what the Lord’s sovereign plan for your life. Israelites’ grumbling is not against Moses but the Lord. Are you grumbling about your own situations in life?



  1. The Jews were instructed to gather their manna daily, but only as much as each person in the family could eat (v. 16). The instruction is that they cannot keep it overnight (v. 19). But on the Sabbath day, they can keep double portions and it will not breed worms or become stink. (Ex 16:20) Yet the Israelites disobeyed. Some took more than they should and others purposely went out on the Sabbath day to look for manna. Are we not like them? When we are given instructions, we do the exact opposite? This is rebellious behavior.  Let’s pray that the Lord forgive us and let us pursue obedience immediately and willingly.


Exodus 出埃及记 15 — The Song of Moses 摩西之歌

The Lord Who Triumphs 胜利的主 (1–21)

When they walked by sight, Israel complained (14:10–12); but when they believed God and saw His mighty hand at work, they praised Him. Redemption should lead to rejoicing (Luke 15:1–24).



This first recorded song in Scripture is a pattern for true worship, for it emphasizes the Lord, who He is, and what He has done for His people. He saves His people (1–10), guides them to their inheritance (11–13), glorifies His name (14–17), and reigns forever (18). Today, let God be your strength, your song and your salvation (v. 2; see also Ps. 118:14;Isa. 12:2).



The Lord Who Heals 医治的主 (22–26)

The people went from rejoicing to complaining! It is easy to sing when the circumstances are comfortable, but it takes faith to sing when you are suffering. God tests us in the everyday experiences of life to see whether we will obey Him. He is able to change our circumstances, but He would rather change us (Phil. 4:10–13).



The Lord Who Refreshes 复兴的主 (27)

Life is not always just filled with battles and bitter water. God brings us to the refreshing oases from time to time and for this, we should praise Him. However, we can never claim our inheritance if we linger at Elim. We are pilgrims, not residents.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. With their enemies drowned and their freedom secured, the people of Israel burst into song and praised the Lord. We must not only praise God with words but we must praise him with songs. Jesus also sang after they celebrated the first Lord’s Supper. Sing aloud, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel! Rejoice and exult with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem! (Zep 3:14) Let’s pray that we all learn to praise God with songs in our worship service.



  1. The statement “The Lord is a man of war” (v. 3) may upset people who feel that anything relating to warfare is alien to the Gospel and the Christian life. Some denominations have taken the “militant” hymns out of their hymnals, including “Onward Christian Soldiers.” But Moses promised the people, “The Lord shall fight for you” (14:14; Deut. 1:30); and one of God’s names is “Jehovah-Sabaoth,” which means “Lord of hosts, Lord of armies,” a title that’s used 285 times in the Old Testament. Yes, our Lord is “Jehovah-Sabaoth” and we shall not fear.
  1. In the ten plagues the Lord had already proved Himself greater than the gods of Egypt. No wonder His people sang, “Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods?” (v. 11; Micah 7:18) The answer, of course, is nobody, for no other being in the universe is “majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders” (Ex. 15:11). Do you know the Lord our God is the greatest? Let’s bow and worship Him.
