Matthew 马太福音 12:22-37 — Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit 亵渎圣灵

The events recorded in Matt 12 mark a major turning point in Jesus’ ministry, focusing on the rejection of the Messiah by His own people. Verses 1–21 depict the mounting unbelief of Israel crystalizing into conscious rejection, and verses 22–50 depict the blasphemy that follows the rejection.



  1. The Act of Blasphemy 亵渎的行为 (12:22-24)

Jesus healed a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute in front of a multitude. It was undeniable, and people recognized it as a possible messianic sign. The Pharisees were in forceful stubborn denial, attributing it to the power of Satan.



  1. The Judgment of Blasphemy 亵渎的审判 (12:25-32)

Jesus counters their arguments with 3 points. First, Satan cannot stand if he fights his own. Secondly, Pharisees cannot claim that this act is ungodly if their disciples had participated in it. Third, if this miracle was of God, He had to be the Messiah or they will be judged for their unbelief. An unbeliever who blasphemes God can be forgiven by turning to Him, but an absolute, permanent rejection of Jesus will not be forgiven, bringing about eternal condemnation.



  1. The Heart of Blasphemy 亵渎的心 (12:33-37)

The words reflect one’s heart condition. For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Jesus said that on judgment day every word will be accounted for.


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Blasphemy is knowingly, intentionally and openly speaking evil against God. It is defiant irreverence. Do you harden your hearts against God? This is a serious sin. Please examine yourselves and pray to God.



  1. The work of the Holy Spirit is to help us understand God (1 Cor. 2:14). Without the Holy Spirit we might speak against Jesus. Although it is a serious sin it can be forgiven by the gracious God. But if we consistently speak against the Holy Spirit who points us to Christ, we will not be forgiven or saved. Pray that your heart will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit when He points us to Christ. When that happens we must response in accepting and obeying Christ.



  1. The work of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Jesus (John 16:14). When our hearts are filled with adoration and admiration of Jesus Christ, it must be the Holy Spirit who is at work in our hearts. Let us respond with thanksgiving.
