Leviticus 利未记 8-9 — Ordination of Priest 圣职之礼

Altar is a key word in these chapters; it is used twenty-three times. Without an altar, there can be no acceptable sacrifice; without a sacrifice, man cannot approach a holy God. But there must also be a priesthood to serve at the altar. In the Old Testament, God’s people had a priesthood, but in the New Testament, God’s people are the priesthood (1 Pet. 2:5, 9).



What made the priests acceptable to God? Water (8:6), oil (8:10–12), blood (8:14–29), and garments (8:7–9). We have been washed (1 Cor. 6:11), anointed by the Spirit (1 John 2:20, 27), redeemed by Christ’s blood (1 Pet. 1:18ff.), and dressed in His righteousness (Isa. 61:10).



The day of dedication began a week of consecration (8:31–36), and the week ended with Aaron’s blessing the people and the Lord’s accepting the sacrifices (9:22–24). The glory of the Lord appeared (9:6, 23), which is the purpose of sacrifice and service. Can people say of our worship, “God is truly among you” (1 Cor. 14:25)?



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. You’ll find the word commanded at least twenty times in these three chapters. Moses and Aaron didn’t have to concoct an ordination ceremony. The same God who instructed Moses how to build the tabernacle also told him how to ordain the priests and how the priests should serve in the tabernacle (Ex. 28–29). Nothing was left to chance or to the imagination. Moses was to do everything according to what God had shown him on the mount (25:40; 26:30; 27:8; Heb. 8:5). In the ministry of the church today, spiritual leaders must constantly ask, “What did the Scripture say?” (Rom. 4:3) God hasn’t left us in the dark as to what His church is, how it’s to be led, and what it’s supposed to do, but if we substitute people’s ideas for God’s Word, we will be in the dark! (Isa. 8:20) Let’s pray for the churches to obey Him.


  1. Sacrificing on God’s altar (9:1–21). Aaron and his sons had to offer a bull calf for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering; from then on, they would be offering a burnt offering on the altar every morning and evening (v. 16; Ex. 29:38–42). Each day must begin and end with total consecration to the Lord. Being imperfect, the priests had to offer sacrifices for themselves first before they could offer sacrifices for the people (see Heb. 7:25–28). Let’s pray for ourselves first and let us be right with God before we can pray for others and lead them to be right with the Holy God.

在神的坛上献祭(9:1-21)。亚伦和他的儿子需献上一只公牛犊作赎罪祭,及一只公绵羊作燔祭;从那天起,他们每早晨与黄昏都必须在坛上献燔祭(16节;出29:38 -42)。每一天的开始和结束都是要全然献给主的。因着自己的欠缺,祭司必须首先为自己献祭,才可为百姓的罪献祭(见来7:25-28)。让我们首先也为自己与神的关系祷告,叫我们可再为他人祷告,引导他们能与圣洁之神和好。