Leviticus 利未记 27 — Vow 许愿

If you have ever found it difficult or impossible to fulfill a promise, the message of this chapter is for you.



In a moment of extreme joy or trial, a Jew might make a vow to God, offering to give Him something valuable in return for His blessing. (See Judges 11:29–40; Jonah 2:9.) The vow might involve people (vv. 1–8), animals (vv. 9–13, 26–27), property (vv. 14–25), or produce (vv. 30–33).



If the person could not fulfill the vow, he was not permitted to back out, nor could he offer a cheaper substitute. He had to give the priest the equivalent in money, plus one-fifth more. This chapter tells the priest how to evaluate the gift so that the Lord would receive the right amount, for the money was used for the work of the sanctuary. The word valuation is used nineteen times.



Talk is not “cheap”; rash promises can be very expensive. It behoves us to be careful when we experience great joy or great sorrow, lest we make promises to God that we cannot keep. (See Prov. 20:25; Eccles. 5:4–5.) Yes, you can give God something else, but be sure it is equivalent to the original offer—and let Him do the evaluating.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. It seems strange that this book should end with a chapter on vows rather than with an account of a special demonstration of God’s glory and holiness. But our promises to God must be as inviolable as His covenant with us. “Do not be rash with your mouth, and let not your heart utter anything hastily before God” (Ecc. 5:2). “It is a snare for a man to devote rashly something as holy, and afterward to reconsider his vows” (Prov. 20:25).



  1. The major lesson of this chapter is that God expects us to keep our commitments to Him and be honest in all our dealings with Him. We must not try to negotiate “a better deal” or to escape responsibilities. It’s good to give money to the Lord, but giving money isn’t always an acceptable way to express our devotion to God. That money might be a substitute for the service we ought to be rendering to the Lord. What Samuel said to King Saul needs to be heard today: “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams” (1 Sam. 15:22).



  1. Finally, we need to remember that Jesus Christ paid with His own life the redemption price for sinners, and we weren’t worth it. He redeemed us not with silver and gold but with His own precious blood (1 Peter 1:18–19). Any sacrifice we make for Him is nothing compared to the sacrifice He made for us.


Leviticus 利未记 26 — Obey and Trust 信靠顺服

Covenant 所立的约 (1–13).

God used the word covenant eight times in this chapter. It reminded the people of their special relationship with Him and the responsibilities belonging to that relationship. If they obeyed the terms of the covenant, they would remain in the Promised Land and enjoy His blessings. God does not promise material success to His new covenant people today, but He does promise to be with us and meet our every need.



Chastening 管教 (14–39).

God’s covenant included both blessing and chastening, for God will not share His goodness with rebellious children. Enjoying the gifts while insulting the Giver is both selfish and idolatrous. We should obey God, not to “deserve” His blessings or even to avoid His chastening, but to show our love to Him and our desire to please His heart.



Confession 认罪 (40–46).

A gracious God always leaves the door open for restoration. That is one loving purpose of His chastening hand (Heb. 12:1–13). The people may break their promises to God (v. 15), but God will never break His promises to His people (v. 44). God forgets our sins but remembers His covenant! This is not an excuse for sin, but it is an encouragement for sinners to repent and return to the Lord.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. In Leviticus 26, to obey God is to “walk in His statutes” (v. 3), but to disobey Him is to “walk contrary” to the Lord and despise His statutes (vv. 15, 21, 23–24, 27–28, 40–41). The word translated “contrary” means “a hostile meeting with the intention of fighting.” If I’m walking one direction and God is walking another, I’m moving away from His presence; and God isn’t about to change His direction! If I continue to walk contrary to Him, I’m going to have serious problems; for “can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3) Let’s pray that we will walk with Him.

在利未记26章中,顺服神就是“遵行祂的律例”(3节),但违背神是在鄙视主的律例、“背弃” 祂(15,21,23-24,27-28,40-41节)。“背弃”这词意思是“有意对抗的敌对”。如果我走向一方而神走向另一方,我便逐渐远离了祂;但,神不会改变祂的方向!如果我继续与主背驰,我将面临严重的问题,因为“二人若不同心,岂能同行呢?”(摩3:3)请祷告,叫我们会与主同行。


  1. “For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives” (Heb. 12:6; see Prov. 3:11–12). Israel’s special relationship to Jehovah brought with it the obligation to obey His voice and glorify His name. “You only have I known [chosen] of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities” (Amos 3:2). Privilege brings with it responsibility, and no nation has enjoyed more spiritual privileges from the Lord than the people of God. Let’s thank God for His love.



  1. Even in the worst situations, however, there is always hope; for the Lord is “merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin” (Ex. 34:6–7). His covenant with His people never changes; and if we confess our sins and repent, He will forgive and restore (Lev. 26:40; 1 Kings 8:33–34; Neh. 9:2; 1 John 1:9).


Leviticus 利未记 25 — The Land and Jubilee 土地与禧年

Resources 资源

The Sabbatical Year (vv. 1–7) and the Year of Jubilee (vv. 8–55; jubal means “to blow a trumpet”) were based on two propositions: “The land is Mine” (v. 23), and “The children of Israel are My servants” (vv. 42; 55). God owns the land; we are stewards of what He has shared with us. We must use His resources wisely for His glory, for one day we must give an account of our stewardship (Luke 16:1ff.).



Rest 休息

There was also an ecological purpose behind these laws, for obedience to them would grant rest to the land, to the beasts who helped work the land, and to the people. Along with the weekly Sabbath, the two events reminded Israel that rest and work go together and that people and God-given resources must not be exploited.



Riches 财富

There was an economic purpose, for God had a concern for the poor and afflicted (vv. 25, 35, 39, 47). Had Israel obeyed the law of the Year of Jubilee, it would have helped to balance the economy, and the rich would have had difficulty exploiting the poor.



Responsibility 责任

But the overriding purpose was spiritual, a reminder that Jehovah was Lord of both the land and the people, and that Israel had the responsibility to trust Him for everything. They could not sow during either the forty-ninth or fiftieth year but had to wait for the harvest of the fifty-first year. That would take faith (vv. 18–22)!



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The focus in chapters 25 and 26 is on Israel in their land. In fact, the word “land” is used thirty-nine times in these two chapters. The Lord’s statement in verse 2 (“When you enter the land I am going to give you”) must have been a great encouragement to Moses, especially after Israel failed to claim their inheritance at Kadesh-Barnea and had to wander in the wilderness (Num. 13–14). God not only gave His people their land and their food, but He also gave them special “times” to observe so that the land would not be ravaged and spoiled. God is concerned about ecology and the way we treat His creation. Like the ancient Jews, we today are but stewards of God’s gifts; we must be careful not to abuse or waste them.



  1. We have no biblical evidence that the Jews ever celebrated the Sabbath Year, in fact, the Bible indicates that they didn’t: “To fulfil the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed her sabbaths: for as long as she lay desolate she kept sabbath, to fulfil threescore and ten years” (2 Chron. 36:21). God sent Israel into Babylonian exile for seventy years in order to give the land the rest it needed (Jer. 25:8–11; 29:10). This suggests that for nearly 500 years, the Jews had disobeyed God’s law concerning the Sabbath Year.


Leviticus 利未记 24 — In the Presence of the Lord 在耶和华面前

In this chapter, the Lord gave Moses instructions concerning three holy things: the holy oil for the lampstand (Lev. 24:1–4), the holy bread for the table (vv. 5–9), and the holy name of the Lord, which all the people were to honor (vv. 10–23). Three important responsibilities “before the Lord” (vv. 3, 6, 8) are given in this chapter.



Providing the Oil 奉献圣油 (1–4).

Only God and the priests saw the light, but the lamps had to be kept shining, for there was no other source of light in the Holy of Holies. The purest olive oil had to be used, supplied by the people themselves. Do we today, as God’s people, help the light of the church to keep shining continually (Rev. 1:20)?



Presenting the Bread 献上圣饼 (5–9).

Twelve loaves were put on the table each Sabbath, and then the old loaves were given to the priests to eat. They were a reminder that God fed the twelve tribes both physically and spiritually, and that they in turn were to feed the world the truth about the Lord.



Protecting the Name 守护圣名 (10–23).

The man could not be blamed for his parentage, but he could be blamed for blaspheming. Would someone with Egyptian ancestry glorify Israel’s God? (See Exod. 5:2.) Like Moses, we should wait on God for direction (James 1:5). It was a capital offense, and the man was stoned to death. God emphasized again the basic principle that He stated in Exodus 21: equal justice and not personal vengeance.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Since there were no windows in the tabernacle, it was necessary to have light in the holy place so the priests could see as they ministered there. Every morning and evening, when the high priest burned incense on the golden altar, he was to care for the lights on the lampstand to make sure they would continue to burn. The commandment in Leviticus 24:1–4 emphasized two essentials: (1) the people of Israel had to provide the olive oil regularly, and (2) it had to be pure beaten olive oil (Ex. 27:20–21). Is your light shining continuously among your family, friends and neighbors?



  1. Not only were the people to bring the pure olive oil for the lamp, but also they were to bring the fine flour out of which twelve loaves of bread were baked each week. These were put on the golden table each Sabbath. What did this symbolize? Only the priests (the tribe of Levi) were allowed in the holy place, but the other tribes were represented there in two ways: by the jewels on the high priest’s garments (Ex. 28:6–21), and by the twelve loaves on the table. The table was called “the table of shewbread” (Num. 4:7), and the loaves were called “shewbread” (Ex. 25:30), which can be translated “bread of presence.” God was present with His people and they were in His presence in the tabernacle.


Leviticus 利未记 23 — Jewish Festivals 犹太人的节期

The Sabbath 安息日 (Lev. 23:1–3)

Sabbath was an important day for the Jewish people, and they were expected to honor it. To dishonor it meant death (Num. 15:32–36).



Passover: Christ Died For Our Sins 逾越节:基督为我们的罪钉死 (Lev. 23:4–5)

Passover is Israel’s feast of deliverance and the key passage is Exodus 12. The innocent lamb died for the firstborn; because the blood of the lamb was applied to the door by faith, the firstborn sons were safe. This was “the Lord’s passover” and the only means of deliverance that He provided that awesome night when the death angel visited Egypt. To reject the blood of the lamb was to accept judgment and death.



Unleavened Bread: Separation From Sin 无酵饼:与罪隔绝 (Lev. 23:6–8)

For seven days following Passover, the Jews ate only unleavened bread with their meals, and they carefully cleansed all the yeast out of their homes (Ex. 12:15–20). Leaven depicts sin. Thus the putting away of leaven illustrates the cleansing of one’s life after he or she has been saved through faith in the blood (2 Cor. 6:14–7:1).



Firstfruits: Christ Raised From The Dead 初熟的庄稼:基督从死里复活 (Lev. 23:9–14)

The day after the Sabbath that followed Passover, which would be the first day of the week, the priest took the first sheaf of barley from the field and waved it as an offering before the Lord. It was a token that the first and the best belonged to God, and it was done before Israel reaped the harvest for themselves (Ex. 23:19; Neh. 10:34–37; Prov. 3:9). It was also an expression of gratitude to the Lord for giving the harvest and supplying their daily bread.



Pentecost: Birthday Of The Church 五旬节:教会的生日 (Lev. 23:15–21)

This special day was also called “the Feast of Weeks,” because it was celebrated seven weeks after firstfruits. The word “Pentecost” means “fiftieth,” and since the feast was held seven weeks after firstfruits, it too was on the first day of the week, the Lord’s Day. Each Lord’s Day commemorates the resurrection of Christ, the coming of the Spirit, and the birth of the church。



Trumpets: The Calling Of God’s People 吹角:神子民的呼召 ( (Lev. 23:23–25)

The Feast of Trumpets was held on the first day of the seventh month and ushered in the new civil year (Rosh Hashanah, “the head of the year”). The sacrifices for the Feast of Trumpets are listed in Numbers 29:1–6. The Hebrew word for “seven” comes from a root word that means “to be full, to be satisfied.



The Day of Atonement: Forgiveness 赎罪日:饶恕 (Lev. 23:20–32)

Note here the emphasis on the people afflicting their souls (fasting, praying, confessing sin) and abstaining from all work. This is also a prophetic message to the Day of Atonement. After Israel is gathered to her land, the Jews will see their rejected Messiah, repent of their sins (Zech. 12:10–13:1), and be cleansed.



Tabernacles: The Joy Of The Lord 住棚节:神的喜悦 (Lev. 23:33–44)

The Feast of Tabernacles (Booths) reminded Israel of God’s blessings in the past (vv. 42–43). He had led them out of Egyptian bondage, cared for them in the wilderness, and brought them into their promised inheritance.


Leviticus 利未记 22 — Fear of the Lord 敬畏耶和华

The chapter begins and ends with the solemn admonition, “You shall not profane My holy name” (vv. 1, 32). In chapter 21, God warned the priests not to be defiled by the unclean things; now He warns them not to defile the clean things.



Defective Serving 有缺陷的侍奉 (1–9).

It was dangerous for the priests to serve God if they knew they were unclean. They were insulting God, who knows all things, and deceiving the people who depended on them to present their offerings. The prophet Isaiah advised, “Be clean, you who bear the vessels of the Lord” (Isa. 52:11).



Defective Sharing 有缺陷的分享 (10–16).

The priests fed their families from the sacrifices the people brought, and that holy food could not be given to outsiders, not even a house guest. It is good to be generous, but not if our generosity dishonors God’s gifts (Matt. 7:6).



Defective Sacrificing 有缺陷的祭牲 (17–33).

We must give God the best, for that is what He deserves. Since they pictured the coming Savior, the sacrifices had to be perfect. How easy it is to give to the Lord something we don’t want anymore! Ponder Malachi 1:6–8.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Bible tells us to sanctify the Lord in our hearts (1Pe 3:15). How can we sanctify the Lord in our hearts by offering defective sacrifices to Him? How many times we give the Lord or the church what we do not want. We give the church things we do not want and have no use of them. There is nothing wrong about the idea of not wasting anything including food, clothing and materials things etc. But the Lord should deserve our best not what we do not want. The problem is heart issue. Let’s pray that we give our very best not the very least or the bare minimum to the Lord. In order to safeguard ourselves from this sin, we make sure we give over and above what is required in the Bible. Let’s sanctify the Lord in our hearts.



  1. Do we remember Nadab and Abihu who offered strange fire before the Lord? What about Ananias and Sapphira who lied to the Holy Spirit in the church? Let’s not take our service to the Lord lightly. As Ecclesiastes warns us, “Guard your steps when you go to the house of God (Ecc 5:1). Let’s pray that we have the right fear of the Lord to worship Him.


Leviticus 利未记 21 — The Requirements for Leaders 对带领者的要求

Privilege always brings responsibility. If the nation was to be sanctified, the spiritual leaders had to set the example. God had a word for the priests (1–9), the high priest (10–15), and those who could not be priests (16–24). Note the admonitions in this chapter.



“Don’t Defile Yourself!”  不要沾染自己! (1, 3, 4, 11).

Anyone who touched a dead body was ceremonially unclean, so the priests had to be extra careful. They were expected to mourn, but not like the hopeless pagans (v. 5; see also 1 Thess. 4:13–18).



“Don’t Profane God’s Name!”  不可亵渎神的名!(6).

If we adopt pagan practices, people think we are worshiping pagan gods, and we dishonor the name of the Lord. “Hallowed be Your name” is the first petition in the Lord’s Prayer (Matt. 6:9).



“Don’t Profane My Sanctuary!”  不可亵渎神的圣所! (12, 23).

A defiled or disqualified priest would profane God’s holy sanctuary, and God would have to judge. Holy men must minister in holy courts.



“Don’t Profane Your Posterity!”  不可辱没儿女! (15).

So special was the high priest that he could not take anyone but a virgin for a wife to assure the nation that his firstborn was truly a descendant of Aaron. Any sons born with physical defects could not serve, but they received their share of the offerings. The priest who offers a faultless sacrifice (Lev. 22:20–25) must himself be faultless. God wants servants today to be blameless (1 Tim. 3:2, 10).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Chapter 21 is the instruction given to the priests. They are to keep themselves from being defiled. In the New Testament, the Bible also gives us the requirement for leaders: an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church? He must not be a recent convert, or he may become puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil. (1Ti 3:2-6). Let’s pray for our leadership that they adhere to these requirements.

第21章是给予祭司的吩咐。他们不得玷污自己。在新约里,圣经也给了我们作带领者的要求:作监督的,必须无可指责,只作一个妇人的丈夫,有节制,自守,端正,乐意接待远人,善於教导;不因酒滋事 ,不打人,只要温和,不争竞,不贪财;要好好管理自己的家,使儿凡事端庄顺服。人若不知道管理自己的家,焉能照管神的教会呢?初入教的不可作监督,恐怕他自高自大,就落在魔鬼所受的刑罚里(提前3:2-6)。让我们为带领者祷告,愿他们能坚守这些标准。


  1. These qualities are not meant for the leadership only because the leadership is to set the example for the whole church to follow. First Peter 5:2-3 instructs the church leaders to be the examples to the flock. So the qualities are meant for the whole church to follow not only for the leadership. Let’s pray that these qualities become our aims and that we work toward them as part of our sanctification.


Leviticus 利未记 20 — Capital Punishment 死刑

The ominous phrase “put to death” is found nine times in this chapter, for “the wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). Chapter 20 is a list of offences that demand “death penalty.” But fear of death is not the highest motive for holy living. “I am the Lord who sanctifies you” (v. 8) ought to be enough motivation (Phil. 2:12–13).



Idolatry  拜偶像 (1–5).

Molech was the Ammonite god whom the people worshiped by sacrificing their children on the altar or presenting them as temple prostitutes. The modern idols of money, possessions, success, and position have cost many parents their children.



Spiritism 交鬼 (6–8).

Idolatry and spiritism go together (1 Cor. 10:19–22). The increasing interest in satanism in our own day is frightening, and no Christian ought to joke about Satan or have anything to do with satanic practices.



Dishonoring Parents  不孝敬父母 (9).

This verse emphasizes the fifth commandment (Exod. 20:12) and repeats the law given in Exodus 21:17. (See Prov. 20:20; 30:11, 17; 2 Tim. 3:1–4.)



Immorality 败坏 (10–21).

Adultery, incest, homosexuality, and bestiality are condemned, for these things are contrary to nature (Rom. 1:24–27). God created sex and marriage, and we should abide by His laws regarding them.

If Israel allowed these sins, the nation would forfeit its inheritance. (See Eph. 5:5.)



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The Lord is very serious about the sin of idolatry and the sin of consulting the spiritual world. Christians are not to turn to mediums and necromancers, whoring after them, this is abomination to the Lord and the punishment is death (Lev 20:6). Let’s pray that we do not have any interest in the dark spiritual world such as dark magic, consulting the dead or spirits etc. Let’s us keep ourselves pure and focus on the Word of God and His Word only.



  1. For anyone who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death; he has cursed his father or his mother; his blood is upon him. (Lev 20:9) Let’s pray that we take this command seriously as we live in an anti-authority society and some of us even curse our parents. This is abomination to the Lord. It is a serious offence in the eyes of our Lord. Let’s learn to respect and honor our parents, because this is pleasing in the sight of the Lord.

凡咒骂父母的,总要治死他;他咒骂了父母,他的罪要归到他身上 (利20:9)。请祷告自己能认真对待这个命令,因为我们生活在一个反权威的社会里,而我们当中甚至也有咒骂自己父母的。这是耶和华所憎恶的,在主眼里是一项严重的罪行。让我们学会尊重、孝敬父母,因为这是主所喜悦的。


Leviticus 利未记 19 — You shall be Holy For I am Holy 你们要圣洁,因为我是圣洁的

God’s command for His people to be holy applies to us today (1 Pet. 1:16). The declaration “I am the Lord,” found fifteen times in this chapter, reminds us that He must control every area of life.



The Home 家庭 (3a).

Holiness should start in the home as we show respect for our parents (Eph. 6:1–3).



Time 时间 (3b).

All of our time belongs to God, and we must not waste it (Eph. 5:15–17). But we must also take care to devote special times to Him in worship and service.



Food 饮食 (5–8).

Yes, we must eat and drink to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31). Our table should be an altar for peace offerings, but too often it is a field for battles!



Labor  工作 (9–10).

We should think of others as we enjoy what God has given to us. If He is Lord in our work, we cannot be selfish.



Business 生意 (11–13).

Making dishonest deals, telling lies, holding back money, and using God’s name to cover frauds are all out of the question when He is Lord.



Neighbors 邻舍 (14–18).

Unkindness, injustice, gossip, grudges, and hatred (note the sequence) are evil. “Love your neighbor as yourself” is the second greatest commandment (Mark 12:31).



Read the entire chapter carefully and find other areas of practical application.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. When the Lord said, “”You shall be holy, for I am holy.” (1Pe 1:16) He means we shall be holy in every aspect of our lives. It is interesting the chapter covers wide aspect of our daily lives. From our relationship at home, the time we use, the food we eat, the work we engage in, the business deals and how we treat our neighbors. Is there any area of your life and beyond God’s control? Let’s pray that there is none. All areas of our lives are open to the Lord’s for scrutiny.



  1. The Lord is fair and compassionate. He commanded us not to oppress or rob our neighbors, not to owe the wages of workers (Lev 19:13). Furthermore, we shall not reap the field right up to its edge, neither shall we gather the gleanings after our harvest. We shall not strip our vineyard bare, neither shall we gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard. We shall leave them for the poor and for the sojourner. (Lev 19:9-10) Let’s pray that we will not push our workers or suppliers to their limit. Let them earn what is a fair and justifiable living for themselves. This is the Lord’s command.


Leviticus 利未记 18 — Purity in Sexual Relationship 性关系中的纯洁

Standards 标准.

God could not accept the moral standards of either Egypt or Canaan, and the Jews were not to follow them. Instead, they were to obey the laws of God. “I am the Lord” appears twenty-one times in chapters 18 and 19, and the statement reminds us that we are under His authority. (See Rom. 12:2.)



Sexuality 性欲.

Sex is a wonderful gift of God to the human family. When it is used according to His will, it is creative and brings rich blessing. Used apart from His will, sex is destructive and brings tragic consequences. Illicit sex defiles the persons involved (vv. 20–30), whole nations (v. 24) and the land itself (vv. 25, 27).



Sickness 败坏.

Sexual perversions are abominable to God and make a nation sick. The nations in Canaan were devoted to such practices, and the land “vomited them out” to make room for God’s people. God can forgive sexual sins (1 Cor. 6:9–11), but God warns His people not to practice them (1 Thess. 4:1–8; Heb. 13:4).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Sex is a gift from God to married couples for procreation and pleasure. In the beginning God created man and woman and told them to be fruitful and multiply (Gen 1:28). How can they be fruitful and multiply unless they are united together. So intimate relationship is God’s design for marriage. It is pure because it was created by God himself and it was before sin entered the world. The book of Hebrew says, “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous” (Heb. 13:4). Let’s pray we have a right view of sex. Not to overemphasize it like to the world or despise it like many other religions. We view it exactly how God views it.



  1. It is also a gift from God, as singleness is also gift from God (1 Cor. 7:7). We can view this as God’s wedding gift for the marriage couple. They are not to unwrap it before marriage. Therefore, premarital sex is a sin. Today, the world abuses this gift and many disobey God’s command. Let’s pray that as Christian we will uphold God’s command and teach others to uphold God’s command for God’s glory.
