15 Mar 2018, Gen 42-44 创42-44章, Face to Face with your own Sin 与自己的罪面对面

Scripture Reading        : Gen 42-44

Theme                            : Face to Face with your own Sin


These chapters describe Joseph’s dealings with his brothers and the brothers’ consequent confrontations with their father. The ten brothers had sinned against both Jacob and Joseph, but they thought that Joseph was dead and their sin was safely hidden. Joseph had to deal with them patiently, honestly, and decisively, just the way the Lord works with us when we have tried to cover our sins.

Joseph’s immediate goal was to get all eleven brothers to Egypt to fulfill the dream God had given him more than twenty years before. However his ultimate goal was to get them to confess their sins and be reconciled to him and Jacob. The men had to come to the place where their mouths were stopped (44:16; Rom. 3:19).

In a masterful way, Joseph wove these two purposes together as he spoke roughly to them, accused them of crimes, and insisted on their bringing Benjamin to Egypt. Outwardly, he was a stern ruler; but behind the scenes, he was a weeping brother.

Jacob’s responses mirror our responses to God’s providential disciplines: “Everything is against me!” (42:36); “Why didn’t you do it differently?” (43:6); “Take a gift along” (43:11 [always the schemer!]); “If it has to be, it has to be!” (43:14). From pessimism to fatalism, and very little faith. [1]

Praying the Scripture

  1. Be sure your sin will find you out. (Num 32:23). The ten brothers thought that Joseph was dead and their sin was safely hidden. However, God is righteous and He will by no means leave the guilty (Nah 1:3) However, the Bible also said, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1Jo 1:9) Dear Lord, Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting! (Psa 139:23-24)
  1. Joseph’s pent up emotions had reached its limit and he had to leave the room and wept privately. This is the first of six such records; for Joseph also wept when he saw his brother Benjamin (43:29–30), when he revealed himself to his brothers (45:2), when he met his father in Egypt (46:29), when his father died (50:1), and when he assured his brothers that they were truly forgiven (v. 17). That which makes a person weep is a good test of character. Do you weep occasionally? Does it reveal the true desires of your hearts or character? Let’s search our hearts and pray to God.
  1. Jacob’s responses mirror our responses to God’s providential disciplines: “Everything is against me!” (42:36); “Why did you treat me so badly?” (43:6); “If it has to be, it has to be!” (43:14) This is getting from bad to worst; from pessimism to fatalism. It demonstrates very little faith on our part. It shows our ignorance of God and his love and wisdom. Do we behave the same way as Jacob when facing trials? Let’s examine ourselves and respond to God accordingly.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary  (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 42:1.








雅各对神管教的回应和我们相似:“这些事都归到我身上了(这些事都算我的错)!”(42:36),“你们为什么这样害我?”(43:6);“ 我若丧了儿子,就丧了吧!”(43:14)。从悲观到宿命论,这是没有信心的表现。


  1. 要知道你的罪必找上你。 (民32:23)。这十位兄弟以为约瑟已死了,他们的罪就可以一了百了,在没有人知道的情况下遮盖起来了。然而,神是公义的,祂绝不使有罪的成为无罪。 (鸿1:3)但圣经也说:“我们若认自己的罪,神是信实的,是公义的,必要赦免我们的罪,洗净我们一切的不义。(约一1:9)亲爱的主,求袮鉴察我,知道我的心思,试炼我,知道我的意念,看在我里面有什么恶行没有,引导我走永生的道路!(诗139:23-24)
  1. 当约瑟再也无法压抑自己的情绪,他就不得不离开房间私下哭泣。这是六个记录约瑟哭泣的第一个。当他看到自己的弟弟便雅悯时也哭了(43:29-30)、当他向兄弟们透露自己(45:2)、当他在埃及见到了父亲(46: 29)、当父亲去世时(50:1),还有当他向兄弟们保证已经原谅他们时(17节)。什么使人哭泣呢?那件事就是一个测试人内心很好的工具。你偶尔会哭泣吗?它揭示你心里真实的愿望或性格吗?让我们来鉴察自己的心并向神祷告。
  1. 雅各对神管教的回应和我们相似:“这些事都归到我身上了(这些事都算我的错)!”(42:36),“你们为什么这样害我?”(43:6);“ 我若丧了儿子,就丧了吧!”(43:14)。这是越来越糟的表现,从悲观到宿命论。这代表我们是小信的人。这也显示了我们对神的爱和祂智慧的无知。当我们遇见磨练时,我们是否和雅各一样?让我们来审查自己和在祷告中回应神。