Leviticus 利未记 13-15 — Health and Hygiene 健康与卫生

These three chapters in Leviticus deal with bodily infirmities of one kind or another, because God was concerned about His people’s physical welfare as well as spiritual welfare. He cared for their needs during their wilderness march (Deut. 29:5) and, if they obeyed Him, He promised to shield them from the diseases they’d seen in Egypt (Ex. 15:26; Deut. 7:12–15). While it’s true that our greatest needs are spiritual, God still has the physical well-being of His people at heart.



The Hebrew word translated leprosy in Leviticus 14–15 includes various skin diseases and even mildew (13:47ff; 14:33ff). But there’s more to these chapters than simply a description of symptoms and ceremonies. In Scripture, disease is one of the images of sin (Ps. 147:3; Isa. 1:5–6; Jer. 8:2; 30:12; Mark 2:17). Thus as we study these chapters, we can learn what sin is like and how God wants us to deal with it. We must look beyond Moses to Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, who was wounded that we might be healed (Isa. 53:5). These three chapters illustrate three topics that are vitally related to the life of holiness: sin (Lev. 13), salvation (chap. 14), and sanctity (chap. 15).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Since infection made a person ceremonially unclean, God appointed the priests to act as His examiners to determine whether the victim was “unclean” and therefore had to be separated from the rest of the camp. Note also that the investigation included not only persons (vv. 1–46), but also clothing (vv. 47–59) and even houses (14:33–57). Sin is “deeper than the skin” (13:3–4, 25, 30–32, 34). “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jer. 17:9) The word translated “wicked” in this verse means “sick”; the NIV translates it “beyond cure.” Sin is not a surface problem that can be solved with simple remedies, like trying to cure cancer with hand lotion. Sin comes from within, from fallen human nature; unless the heart is changed, there can be no solving of the sin problem.

既然疾病使人在礼仪上变得不洁净,神就任祭司检查患者是否得病,并是否需要与他人隔离。要注意的是,祭司不只要检查他们的身体(1-46节),也要检查衣服(47-59节),甚至是居住的房子(14:33-57)。罪比“皮肤更深”(13:3-4,25,30-32,34)。 “人心比万物都诡诈,坏到极处,谁能识透呢?”(耶17:9)“诡诈”的意思是“有病”;新国际版本(NIV)更译为“病入膏肓”。罪不是表面的问题,可由简单的方法解决,就如你不能用洗手液洗掉癌细胞一样。罪从内而生,从堕落的人性而起;除非我们的内心更新,否则罪的问题是无法解决的。


  1. Discharge from the body (vv. 1–15) could be anything from diarrhea to discharges caused by a venereal disease such as gonorrhea. Anything the afflicted man touched or spat upon was unclean. In fact, those defiled by touching him had to wash themselves and their clothes, and they remained unclean until evening. Clay vessels that he touched were to be broken and wooden vessels washed. The possibility of infection was taken very seriously. In the same way, bodily fluids as a result of intercourse made a person unclean, the husband and wife had to take pains to wash themselves and maintain ceremonial purity. Therefore, marriage is not only the sharing of the physical but your whole personhood. Adultery becomes a way of spreading the uncleanness to your family.
