18 Aug 2015, Hosea 何西阿书 2:2-23: The Judgment and Restoration of Israel 以色列的审判与复兴

Scripture Reading        : Hosea 2:2-23

Theme                          : The Judgment and Restoration of Israel


  1. Israel’s Judgment (2-13). The word “plead” in ESV has the meaning of contend or rebuke (NKJV). Mother symbolizes the nation of Israel, while children in v. 4 represents individuals. God commands every individual Jew to repent of spiritual adultery and to rebuke and exhort others to repent also, or else He will annihilate the people. Israel had become rich and proud through trading with their pagan neighbours (lovers in v. 7) and with it: the worship of their gods. Like their pagan neighbours, the Jews have attributed their wealth to these gods. But in reality, it was God who gave them their wealth and provision. To punish the Jews for their unthankfulness and betrayal, God will destroy the Israel in the presence of all the pagan nations (lovers) and no nation (lover) will be able to stop God (10). He will terminate the Jews’ sinful celebrations.
  1. Israel’s Restoration (14-23). After God’s severe wrath against Israel, He will one day restore the nation completely. This ultimate restoration will be like the first exodus. God will call her out to the wilderness like the first exodus and restore His relationship with Israel and then bring them back to the land. This concurs with the prophecies of Jesus (Matt. 24:15-22) and other prophets (Dan. 9:26-27), when Israel will again experience a great tribulation and exile, but will be restored by God. We believe this will happen during the seven years of tribulation (Dan. 9:24-27; Rev. 6-19). The restoration of Israel will be complete spiritually and nationally. Spiritually, Israel will no longer worship idols (16-17), but will be faithful to God forever (19-20). The earth will be restored to Edenic conditions (18, see Is. 11:6-9; Rom. 8:21-22). The nations will stop fighting against each other (18, see Is. 2:4; Micah 4:3). God will completely reverse His judgment against the nation of Israel as symbolized by the names of Gomer’s three children. Here, Jezreel is a symbol of death and captivity, but will be a symbol of life and abundance. God will again have mercy on the nation and call them “My people” (22-23). All of these blessings will be fulfilled during the Millennial Kingdom (Rev. 20:1-6).


Praying the Scripture

  1. The Jews worship Baal, while they claim to worship the LORD and even call the LORD, my Baal. Today, many false religions claim to worship Jesus, but like the Jews, they are worshipping an idol, a Jesus of their own imagination, not the Jesus who revealed Himself in the Bible. Let us not be fooled by these religious swindlers, of which the prosperity gospel is the greatest. Let us be faithful to God by examining their false claims according to the Bible.
  1. Let us be reminded of the hideousness of spiritual adultery. The ugliness of spiritual betrayal deserves the ugly and severe wrath of God. Let us learn to be repulsed by sin, for all sins, to some degree, is spiritual adultery. Let our hearts be kept from idols (Col. 3:5). Let us also be rigorously thankful to Jesus who has delivered us from the wrath of God, which we deserve like these Jews.
  1. Just as God’s wrath is exacting, so His faithfulness is equally exacting. He will never forsake the nation of Israel, whom He promised to love and cherish (11:8). His love and faithfulness is so exacting and amazing that He is willing to sacrifice His only Son to save Israel and the world. Let us praise Him for His glorious faithfulness (Ex. 34:6-7). His glorious faithfulness guarantees the return of Jesus and the complete restoration of the world. Blessed be His glorious name.




  1. 以色列的审判(2-13)。文中的“争辩”(和合本)含争论(新译本)或训斥之意。“母亲”象征以色列国,而“儿女”(4节)代表个人。神命令每一个犹太人要因自己灵性淫乱之罪悔改,并训斥与劝勉他人当悔改,否则神将毁灭全国。借助与外邦邻国(“所爱的”,7节)的贸易,以色列变得富裕、骄傲;与此同时,以色列也拜了她们的神。如他们的外邦邻国一样,犹太人将自己的富裕归于那些神明,但实际上,赐予他们财富并供应他们的是耶和华神。由于以色列不但没感谢神,还背叛了祂,因此神将在外邦列国面前(“所爱的”)销毁以色列,而无人能阻挡神(10节)。祂将终止以色列的罪恶欢庆。
  1. 以色列的复兴(14-23)。神向以色列重重发怒之后,将有一日会全然复兴这国。以色列最后的复兴会像最初出埃及一样——神会招她到旷野去,与她恢复关系,然后把她带回到应许之地。这与耶稣及其他先知的预言吻合(太24:15-22;但9:26-27),即以色列将再度经历大灾难与驱逐,可最后会被神复兴。我们相信这将在七年的患难之际发生(但9:24-27;启6-19)。以色列的复兴包括灵性与国土的完全。灵性上,以色列不再敬拜他神(16-17),并将永远对神忠贞(19-20)。地球将恢复至伊甸时代的情景(18;见塞11:6-9,罗8:21-22)。列国将收起干戈(18;见塞2:4,弥4:3)。神会完全逆转祂对以色列国的审判,如歌篾的三个儿女之名所象征的。这里,耶斯列象征死亡与俘虏,但将变成生命与富足的象征。神将再次怜悯这国,并成她为“我的民”(22-23)。这些祝福都将在千年国度履行(启20:1-6)。


  1. 犹太人拜巴力,同时声称敬拜耶和华,还称耶和华“我巴力”。今时今日,许多假宗教宣称敬拜耶稣,但如犹太人一样,他们拜的是偶像,是一个自己想象出来的耶稣,并非圣经所启示的那一位。让我们不被这些宗教骗子迷惑;其中致富福音最大。让我们对神忠贞,按圣经破解他们的假言。
  1. 让我们提醒自己属灵奸淫有多丑陋。灵性奸淫的邪恶理当受到神极为凶残的愤怒。让我们学习恨恶罪恶,因为凡是罪在某程度上都可算是灵里的淫荡。让我们的心远避偶像(西3:5)。让我们也积极地向耶稣感恩,因为祂救我们脱离神的愤怒;这愤怒是我们同犹太人一样当承受的。
  1. 神的愤怒是严厉的,而祂的信实也同样坚定。神必不会离弃以色列,因祂曾应许要爱惜她(11:8)。神的爱与信实始终如一,如此奇妙,以致祂为救以色列与全世界,愿意舍了自己的独生子。让我们为神荣美的信实称谢祂(出34:6-7)。祂荣美的信实担保耶稣必再来,并完全复兴这世界。称颂主荣耀之名。