26 Aug 2015, Joel 约珥书 1:1-20: The Day of the Lord Foreshadowed 对耶和华之日的预言

Scripture Reading        : Joel 1:1-20

Theme                          : The Day of the Lord Foreshadowed


Joel prophesied during a time from late ninth century to eighth century. His message is timeless, forming doctrines which could be repeated and applied in any age. His message on eschatological times is also repeated by later prophets.

  1. Future Destruction Foreshadowed (1-12). There was a massive locust plague, a nation of locust (6), that devastated the entire nation of Judah. All food were destroyed. People were starving. There was not even enough food to continue the temple rituals. This destruction is God’s punishment on Judah’s spiritual corruption. The nation was in a physical and spiritual stupor. Wine is not bad since it is a symbol of God’s blessing (2:23–24) and an expression of a believer’s joyful fellowship with God (Num 6:17). But the Jews abused wine, became drunk and committed spiritual debauchery (Eph. 5:18). God even cut off food for temple rituals because their rituals was from their empty hearts.
  1. Future Grace Offered (13-20). In light of God’s present judgment, He calls the Jews to repent and return to Him. If they repent from their sin and again seek God, He will reconcile with them. But if they do not repent, the day of the Lord will come upon them. The day of the Lord means a time when sin will be judged and then righteousness will prevail. The day of the Lord is referring to the seven years of tribulation for Israel and the world (Dan. 9:24-27; Rev. 6-18). The tribulation will culminate at the second coming of Jesus and His glorious and righteous Millenial Kingdom (Rev. 20:1-6). The Jews will enter this glorious kingdom and later on eternal heaven (Rev. 21-22) if they repent, but if they do not, they will be judged by God and enter everlasting shame (Rev. 20:11-15).


Praying the Scripture

  1. In prophetic literature like Joel, God often encourages the Jews to worship Him in light of eternity. God will ultimately and conclusively punish sinners, restore His creation, usher in lasting righteousness and permanent fellowship with believers. Those who worship Him will be in heaven, but those who reject Him will be in hell. The day of the Lord is a glimpse of hell. We likewise, when we present the gospel, need to warn sinners of impending hell for their spiritual corruption and exhort them to stop their self-worship and to start worshipping the true, living God. We must proclaim God’s gracious offer of salvation through Jesus, and not look down on non-believers’ sins with self-righteous pride.
  1. The locust plague is foreshadowing and warning adulterous Jews of God’s future and final punishment in hell. It is a foretaste of hell. God continues to send “plagues” to the world in form of natural disasters, wars and consequences from individual sinful attitudes and actions. Plagues of natural disasters are signs of warning that this earth is broken and needs a savior. Plagues of wars and individual sins, such as drugs, addictions, jealousy, hatred, apathy, and lust, are signs of warning that humans are broken and need a savior. We pray that “plagues” of tragedies and trials in people’s lives will not cause them to be even more bitter toward God, like the Jews, but will cause them to cry out to God and be saved.





  1. 预言将来的毁灭(1-12)。犹大曾经历大型的蝗虫之灾;一队蝗虫销毁了犹大全地。所有粮食都毁了。人民都挨饿。圣殿的礼仪也甚至因粮食的缺乏无法进行。这场毁坏是神对犹大的属灵败坏所实行的惩罚。这国在身心灵上已呆滞了。酒实际上是神赐福的象征(2:23-24),是信徒与神有美好相交的表现(民6:17),但犹太人滥用好酒,又醉酒又犯灵性奸淫的(弗5:18)。神甚至中断用于献祭的食粮,因为他们所献的祭发自虚空无神的心。
  1. 供予将来的恩典(13-20)。神对犹大施行审判之时,也呼召犹太人要悔改归祂。他们若肯从罪中悔改,再次寻求神,神将与他们和好。不过,倘若他们不愿悔改,耶和华之日将临至他们。所谓耶和华之日就是公义将取胜,罪恶会受审判的时候。它即指以色列及全球将经历的七年大灾难(但9:24-27;启6-18)。大灾难的高峰是在耶稣的再来及祂荣耀与公义的千年国度降临之时(启20:1-6)。若犹太人肯悔改,他们将进入这个荣耀的国度,再进永恒天家(启21-22);若不肯,他们则会受到神的审判,入永恒的羞耻中(启20:11-15)。


  1. 神在类似约珥书的先知文学作品中经常鼓励犹太人要以永恒的角度敬拜神。神最终必然惩罚罪人,复兴祂的造物,持守公义,并永远与信徒相交。凡敬拜祂的将到天堂,但拒绝祂的将入地狱。耶和华之日就是瞥见地狱。当我们向罪人呈现福音时,我们同样也要告诫他们属灵罪恶的后果是即将到来的地狱,并劝勉他们停止拜自己,转向敬拜那位又真又活的神。我们必须宣扬神在耶稣里满有恩典的救赎,不要以自义的骄傲藐视非信徒的罪。
  1. 蝗虫之灾是神对淫荡的犹太人的预告:将来在地狱必有最后的审判。这是地狱的预示。今日,神继续藉着天灾、争战、个人犯罪所承担的后果等“灾害”降临这世界。天灾预告这地球是不全的,需要一位救主。战争及个人犯罪后的灾害,如毒品、各瘾、嫉妒、冷漠与性欲,都是人类破碎的预兆,暗示我们急切需要一位救主。求我们及他人生命中所遇的种种“灾害”不会使人对神产生更大的苦毒,如同犹太人一样,而是能促使各人向神呼求,从而得救。