3 Mar 2018, Gen 30 创30章, The Lord Blessed Jacob 主祝福雅各

Scripture Reading        : Gen 30

Theme                            : The Lord Blessed Jacob


There are two major themes in this chapter: the building of Jacob’s family (vv. 1–24), and the building of Jacob’s fortune (vv. 25–43). Various people (including Jacob) thought they were in control of the situation, but all of it was in the hands of God. 
Having grown up his mother’s favored son (25:28), Jacob was accustomed to a woman telling him what to do. But now he had four different women involved in his life! When he came home from the fields, he never knew which one he would be living with! The schemer discovered the pain that people felt when others selfishly manipulate his life.
Laban tried to trick Jacob and make him poor but God overruled and made Jacob a very wealthy man. In fact, God even blessed Laban because of Jacob, and the old trickster admitted it (v. 27)! It was God’s blessing and not Jacob’s schemes that increased the flocks. God was keeping the promises He had made at Bethel (28:13–15). When we are in difficult situations, we can trust God to care for us.[1]


Praying the Scripture

  1. We see in this episode Jacob’s patience in the hands of his four wives. Not only did Laban tell him what to do, but the wives were also fighting, scheming and making agreements that he knew nothing of until he came home weary from caring for the flocks. Rachel and Leah treated Jacob like a servant and used him as a pawn in their family bargaining and he patiently bore it all. God’s plan for marriage is one man and one woman. It is difficult to imagine what headaches and heartaches 4 wives brought to Jacob. It is better to make a right decision rather than the wrong one that leads to chaos in the family. Let’s pray that we will follow God’s plan for marriage and patiently wait for God instead of getting into a situation we’ll regret for life.
  1. The time had come for Jacob to move his large family and start his own business. All Jacob wanted for his wages from working for Laban this whole time were speckled and spotted sheep – animals considered inferior at that time. However, God blessed Jacob and he became very wealthy. It was not the peeled sticks. It was God’s promise at Bethel to bless Jacob, and He kept His promise. (28:13–15) Again we see that God did not forget his promise but he was faithful to the end. Let’s pray that we do not let our humble circumstances, be it family or business, distract us from God’s promise and that we’ll rely on Him completely.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 30:1.










  1. 在本章我们可以看到雅各对待四个妻子的耐心。不只拉班对他指指点点,连妻子们也互相明争暗斗、私下协议,而雅各自己却什么一点也不知情,直到他疲累的从田里回家才发现。拉结和利亚待雅各如同仆人一样,并利用他为筹码在家庭里讨价还价,但雅各耐心地承担这一切。神对婚姻的计划是一男一女。这实在很难想象这4个妻子带给雅各多少的头痛和心痛。作一个正确的选择,好过做出一个错误的决定,最终使自己家庭混乱。让我们祈祷耐心等候并顺从神对结婚的计划,也不进入一个让我们遗憾终生的婚姻。
  1. 是雅各搬迁并开始自己的事业的时候了。雅各只要求有斑点的羊作为这个期间为拉班打工的工资(当时斑点的羊被认为是劣质的动物)。然而,神却赐福雅各使他变得非常富有。这不是剥了皮的枝子的功劳,而是神实现祂在伯特利应许雅各的诺言。 (28:13-15)我们再一次看到,神并没有忘记自己的诺言。祂是信实的。让我们祈祷我们不要因自己卑微的情况(无论是家庭或事业)而忘记我们从神的应许,让我们可以完全依靠祂。