4 Sep 2015, Amos 阿摩司书 9:1-15, Visions of Destruction and Restoration 毁灭与复兴的异象

Scripture Reading : Amos 9:1-15

Theme                  : Visions of Destruction and Restoration


  1. Destruction (9:1-10). In chapters 7-9, there are five visions of destruction. Chapter 9 is the last vision. The series of five visions of destruction acts to depict the progression of a long funeral week. First the funeral is held in the void deck of the HDB, and then the body is cremated, and then the ash is put into a box. The five visions of destruction depicts Israel’s long funeral week.
  1. Restoration (9:11-15). However, in the end time, God will restore the nation of Israel. It will be the political and spiritual centre of the world because Jesus, the ultimate Davidic king, will rule from Jerusalem. The world will be renewed and restored to near paradise condition (Is. 65:20). There will be enormous prosperity such that planting and reaping seasons will overlap (ploughman shall overtake the reaper). All of this will be accomplished during the millennial kingdom of Jesus. The beginning of this fulfilment starts at the first coming of Jesus and the establishment of the church (Acts 15:16-17).


Praying the Scripture

  1. The history of Israel is a sad story of rebellion and judgment. We see their rebellion when Jesus came the first time. Instead of embracing their Messiah, they crucified Him. Their rebellion will continue until the end time. This is sad. The prophecies of the OT concerning Israel testifies to the divine nature of the Bible. The Bible accurately describes the history of Israel and its future. Let us be confident of the Bible’s description of the certainty of heaven and hell. Let us be busy to rescue sinners from hell through the sharing of the gospel and let us be busy to lay up treasures in heaven.




  1. 毁灭(9:1-15)。第7-9章共有关乎毁灭的五个异象;第九章列的是最后一个。这一系列形容五种毁灭的异象好比新加坡长达一周的丧礼。首先,丧礼会在政府组屋楼下举行,然后尸体会被火化;最后,骨灰将被装在盒子里。这五个异象象征的就是以色列的葬礼。
  1. 复兴(9:11-15)。然而,到了末日,神会复兴以色列国。她将是世界的政治与属灵中心,因为耶稣,即大卫宝座最大的王,将从耶路撒冷统治世界(赛65:20)。国家的富裕繁荣极大,以致栽种与收割的日子会重叠(踹葡萄的必接续撒种的)。这一切将在耶稣的千禧国度应验。应验的开端是在耶稣首次降临与教会建立的时候(使15:16-17)。



  1. 以色列的历史是个关乎悖逆与审判的凄凉故事。耶稣首次到来时,我们便看到了她的悖逆。他们不但不迎接自己的弥赛亚,反倒钉祂十架。他们的悖逆会延续下去,直到末日。这是很悲哀的。旧约中与以色列相关的预言见证了圣经的神圣性。圣经精确地形容了以色列的过去与未来。让我们也全然相信圣经所叙述的天堂与地狱。让我们为拯救罪人下地狱忙于传福音,并为积累天上的宝藏而忙碌。