Matthew 马太福音 26:17-30 — Final Preparation before the Cross I 上十架前的最后预备(一)

On the last day before crucifixion, Jesus was with His disciples; Matthew presents four elements of the King’s own preparation for His sacrificial death.



  1. The Final Passover 最后的逾越节 (26:17-25)

The Passover celebration marks the first day of the combined feast with the feast of the Unleavened Bread. This central feast of the Jewish year commemorates the deliverance of Israel from Egyptian bondage. Sacrificial lambs were slaughtered in the temple, to be taken with unleavened bread, wine, bitter herbs and the dip for the Passover meal. After preparation, Jesus and His disciples gathered for His final meal and he mentioned His betrayal for the first time. Although God used Judas’ betrayal to fulfill prophecy (cf. John 13:18), the Lord made clear that it is Judas himself must be responsible for his own action.



  1. The First Lord’s Supper 首个圣餐 (26:26-30)

After Judas’ departure, Jesus ended the Passover feast and instituted a new memorial to Himself.  They would not look back to a lamb in Egypt as the symbol of God’s redeeming love and but to the very Lamb of God, who, by the sacrificial shedding of His own blood, took away the sins of the world. This memorial is to continue until the future kingdom comes (cf. 1 Cor. 11:23-26), when He will drink it new with believers. Jesus concluded the first supper with the singing of a hymn.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The disciples were sitting together with the Passover Lamb yet they do not know it. Pray that the Lord open our eyes and treasure the moment we have with Jesus.



  1. When they were having the Passover meal Jesus became very sorrowful because of the cross is imminent. Yet the disciples will not sensitive to him. Even after Jesus told them one of them will betrayed him, they are so self-centered focusing on themselves asking, “Is it I?” They are not sensitive to Jesus to share his burden at all. What about you? Are you sensitive to Jesus? Or are you only busy with your agenda in life?



  1. The communion service not only signified the death and cleansing of Jesus but it also gives us hope. The hope that Jesus will return one day. Jesus said, “I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.” (Mt. 26:29) Pray that we will eagerly prepare ourselves to eat and drink with Jesus on that day.



Matthew 马太福音 26:1-16 — Preparing for Death of the King 预备君王的死

From His teaching about His second coming, the Lord abruptly brought them back to the present reality. Before He should return in glory and power, He must die in willing and humble submission to His Father’s plan.



  1. The Plot of Jesus’ murder 谋杀耶稣的策谋 (26:1-5)

Jesus was the ultimate sacrificial lamb (cf. Jn. 1:29) who would be slain at Passover. As Jesus was speaking to His disciples, the chief priests and elders were plotting the murder of Jesus because these wealthy and influential nobilities felt their power and positions were threatened by Jesus.



  1. The Preparation of Jesus’ burial 埋葬耶稣的预备 (26:6-13)

In stark contrast to the Sanhedrin, Mary (John 12:3) poured a flask of very expensive oil (a year’s wages for a common laborer) upon Jesus’ head in loving adoration of her Lord. Instigated by Judas (John 12:4-5), the insensitive disciples were indignant and murmured among themselves (Mark 14:4). Jesus rebuked them, “In pouring this ointment on my body, she has done it to prepare me for my burial. (Mt. 26:12)



  1. The Plan of Jesus’ betrayal 出卖耶稣的计划 (26:14-16)

And in contrast to Mary’s open testimony of loving worship, Judas was insidious in his betrayal of Jesus. For the price of a slave (cf. Ex. 21:32), Judas not only sold out his teacher and friend, he betrayed the very Son of God who had come to be his Savior.


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
  1. The path to glory is usually through suffering. Pray that we are willing to submit and learn humility through suffering like Jesus. (Heb. 5:8)



  1. It is ironically that one should plot the death of Jesus but other will pour his or her life out for Jesus. Which camp do you belong? Pray that you are like Mary, worship Jesus without regard to the reactions of people surrounding her.



  1. Judas betrayed Jesus with a price of a slave. Esau sold away his birthright for a cup of lentil stew (Gen. 25:34). What about you? Do you betray Jesus because of the temporary earthly pleasure? Pray that this is not the case.




Matthew 马太福音 25:31-46 — Final Judgment of the Nations 列国的最后审判

Finally, at His second coming, Christ will return as The Judge. He will determine who will and will not enter His kingdom.



  1. The setting 情景 (25:31)

In His first coming, the Son of Man came in humility to save sinners. However, when He returns to take His rightful position as the great King and Judge, He “comes in glory” with His heavenly angels and “will sit on His glorious throne” to reign over the earth.



  1. The process 过程 (25:32-33)

In doing so, His first step will be to judge who is fit for His kingdom. Every person ever alive will be gathered before Him, and He separates them into two people for two opposite destinies.



  1. The outcome 结果 (25:34-46)

At that time, the believing sheep will enter into the eternal favour and blessing of the King, which were prepared for them from the foundation of the world. Having been saved from sin by the Sacrificial Lamb, they were also made righteous, bearing fruit of salvation (v.35-40) which God prepared beforehand that they should walk in them (Eph. 2:10). Similarly, the unbelieving goats gave evidence of their rejection of Christ in that they did not love and serve His people. In their refusal to minister to Him, they proved that they did not belong. Such will be separated unto the eternal punishment of hell.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Jesus first came as the Son of Man – humble, meek and humiliated. Do we then look down on His offer of salvation? Let us recall to mind that He will surely return – glorious and uplifted – for He is King.



  1. Do you fear God and His judgment? Do you fear that you may be found separated as his goat on that day?



  1. Let us thank our heavenly Father for the provision of His Son to die on the cross, so that our sins are cleansed and His righteousness is imputed to us forever. Let us thank Him for the riches of His blessing that abound to us who are ever undeserving, whom we can claim no credit to be the subject of His love.




Matthew 马太福音 25:14-30 — Readiness in Working 工作中的预备

The parable of the talents is the second relating to men’s readiness for Christ’s second coming. While the parable of the ten virgins focuses on readiness manifested in waiting, this shows of readiness manifested in working.



  1. The responsibility given 交托的责任 (25:14-15)

A man had three servants to whom he had entrusted his property before going on a journey. Knowing them intimately, he entrusted each one only with the responsibility they could reasonably be expected to handle.



  1. The response evoked 仆人的反应 (25:16-18)

The first servant was eager to serve his master, going at once to use to full advantage all that his master had given him, doubling the amount with which he had started. The second was given less, but was equally faithful and hardworking. The third, however, went to hide his coin and did not use what he had to full ability.



  1. The reckoning faced 受到的审判 (25:19-30)

At his return, the master commended the faithful servants on their attitudes, more than mere accomplishment; they are rewarded with greater opportunity of serving, sharing in the divine joy of their master. However, the third servant not only disregarded the stewardship he was given, he even charged his owner in being unmerciful and dishonest. His fear of the master was that of irreverent contempt – he did not love or respect the master. His lot was stripped and given to the faithful, and was cast into the outer darkness.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. We thank our God for knowing us intimately, giving us only what we can handle, both the good and bad.



  1. The number of talents given to each slave had no significance in itself – Jesus was emphasizing equal effort for differing levels of responsibility based on individual ability. Are we then focused on using what we have for God’s glory while spurring one another to such, or do we despise those with more or less?



  1. The first two servants used their opportunity to serve the Lord as they eagerly wait for His return, while the third put aside all that was given to him and went about his own selfish business – which are you?



Matthew 马太福音 25:1-13 — Readiness in Waiting 等待中的预备

Following His previous message to be prepared for His second coming, Jesus then spoke of two parables to illustrate how we are to do that. The first, the parable of the ten virgins, warns of the importance of being prepared to meet Christ when He returns to earth.



  1. The ten virgins 十童女 (25:1-5)

The ten virgins represent professed disciples of Christ who claim to love His appearing and who demonstrate outward readiness for entrance into His kingdom. Though alike in appearance, not all were prepared – the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps, while the foolish did not.



  1. The bridegroom 新郎 (25:6-12)

Most people are deep asleep at midnight, which again underscores the unexpectedness of Christ’s return. It is here when the foolish realized their folly – they had no oil. The wise had sufficient only for their own and were unable to help. While trying to make last minute purchases, the bridegroom came and only those ready entered with Him. The door was shut thereafter.



  1. The warning 警告 (25:13)

Jesus closed with a stern warning – watch therefore, for you know neither the day not the hour of His coming. Be prepared before all is lost.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. The virgins were properly adorned, but not all were with proper lamps. Furthermore, no reason was given for the negligence of the foolish virgins, for all are irrelevant. Are we self-deceived, thinking that mere association with people of Christ and His church will make us true member of God’s family? Pray that take heed, lest we fall (1 Cor. 10:12).



  1. It was necessary that each had her own oil. Salvation is non-transferable; intercessions of saints for sinners at the judgment throne of God will render to none. Is your salvation secured in its only source – Christ? Pray that we are assured of our salvation.



  1. “I never knew you” (7:23); “I do not know you” (25:12) – Are these words we want to hear at God’s throne? Do you fear God and take His judgment seriously?



Matthew 马太福音 24:36-51 — How to Be Prepared for His Coming? 如何预备主的再来?

  1. Be alert 要警醒 (24:36-43)

Although there will be observable indications of His coming, the exact time will not be known by any human or angelic beings in advance, nor the Son of Man Himself when He spoke these words. Even so, hardened souls will be unconcerned despite the signs, going about in their daily routine till judgment hits. When the saints are finally separated from unbelievers (cf. 25:32-46), no grace will be given for repentance. Hence, all of us need to be alert.



  1. Be ready 要预备 (24:43-44)

Jesus will come again in total unexpectedness of a thief, taking away all things that the ungodly have cherished and trusted in instead of Him. Hence, He warns us to be ready, i.e. to be spiritually prepared to meet Him as Lord and King rather than as Judge.



  1. Be faithful 要忠心 (24:45-51)

Every being alive holds his life, possessions and abilities in trust from God, whether or not he acknowledges it. As such, he will be held accountable by his Creator for how he uses that what he has been given. The faithful and wise servant, aka believer, uses his life and gifts in His service and to His glory. In contrast, the wicked servant took his freedom to indulge themselves in sins and pleasures they desire. Consequentially, at the Master’s unexpected return, the unbeliever is condemned and destroyed, while the believer is blessed and rewarded.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance” (2 Pet. 3:9). Have we taken for granted the grace of God? Do we take Jesus’ warnings to heart? Let’s pray that we be alert, be ready and be faithful.



  1. Since the Lord is definitely coming quickly what are you doing now to prepare for his arrival? Let’s pray that we’d be awaken from our sleep and urgently prepare for his coming.



  1. Is your lack of preparation a sign of your disbelief? Let’s pray that the Lord open our eyes to see our true spiritual conditions.



Matthew 马太福音 24:29-35 — Signs of the Coming of the Son 人子再来的预兆

After describing the horrifying calamities that will occur prior His coming, Jesus proceeded to state the central sign of His return.



  1. The sequence of events 事发顺序 (24:29-31)

Immediately after the tribulation, the Son of Man will come quickly (cf. v.22). The whole universe will disintegrate rapidly, when the One who “upholds the universe by the word of His power” (Heb. 1:3) withholds His hand. Christ Himself then becomes the sign, coming from heaven in His glory. In that day, some will mourn to repentance. Angels will also be sent to gather all of God’s saints before Him to be ushered into the glory of His eternal kingdom.



  1. The signals to heed 要注意的迹象 (24:32-35)

Drawing the parable from a fig tree, Jesus told His disciples not to be ignorant of the signs of His impending return – just as ripened figs will be harvested come summer, judgment will occur at His coming. For just as God spoke to pass in the beginning, these things will surely be fulfilled in time to come.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. In Matthew 24:29–31, Jesus gives a vivid picture of the moment of His appearing, the sign of all signs of His coming again. Let us pray that we will live a life that deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus (Titus 2:11–13).



  1. Jesus urged them to learn from the fig tree lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near. Let’s pray that we put our trust on God’s Word fully because heaven and earth will pass away, but God’s words will not pass away (Mt. 24:35).



Matthew 马太福音 24:15-28 — Abomination of Desolation 那行毁坏可憎的

  1. As spoken by Daniel 但以理所言 (24:15)

The prophet Daniel spoke three times of the “abomination that makes desolate” (Dan. 9:27, 11:31, 12:11), referring to the coming time of indescribable horror in the world that will focus on Israel (cf. Luke 21:20). It is while Jerusalem is encompassed by enemy nations who threaten to destroy her that this sign will occur.

先知但以理三次提到了“那行毁坏可憎的”(但9:27, 11:31, 12:11),指的是未来世界将有的极度惊骇,其焦点为以色列(参:路21:20)。当耶路撒冷被敌国包围受威胁时,这兆头就会显现。


  1. As illustrated by Jesus 耶稣所示 (24:16-28)

When the terror unfolds, all will flee wherever they could. Fear is heightened such that no possession would be worth the risk of retrieving and no hindrance could be considered small (v.16-20). In that day, there will be severe calamity (v.21, cf. Rev. 6-16). Confusion will be rampant as false teachers perform supernatural evidences to support their claims (v.23-24). Corruption peaked as the world declined spiritually into a wretched lifeless carcass (v.28).



  1. As preserved by God 神的保守 (24:22)

Even so, God will stop short of total destruction “for the sake of the elect”. Terror will not stretch unnecessarily. He will tarry no longer but will come quickly, suddenly, universally and gloriously.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. In a parallel passage in Luke, Jesus said, “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then recognize that her desolation is at hand” (21:20). In other words, it is while Jerusalem is encompassed by enemy nations who threaten to destroy her that this sign will occur. For several decades, we have already seen the modern nation of Israel has increasingly become a major focal point of world events. Naval fleets from the United States and Russia continue to grow in strength and readiness in the Mediterranean Sea, the Arabian Sea, the Persian Gulf, and the other great bodies of water in that part of the world. Let’s pray that the chosen people of God will quickly repent of their sin and return to the Lord.



  1. In those days no material possession would be worth the risk of retrieving because of the imminent unmatched terror, single-minded, undeterred flight will be the only order of the day. Let us pray that we understand what Jesus said, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?” (Mt. 16:26)



Matthew 马太福音 24:1-14 — The Beginning of the End 结尾的开始

Having ended His last public sermon in a warning, Jesus’ cross is impending. Knowing this, He launched into a discourse of His second coming at the end of the present age to establish His millennial kingdom on earth. His message in Matthew 24-25 is also known as the Olivet discourse.



  1. The sign of His second coming 二次再来的迹象 (24:1-12)

Turning away from the crowd to His disciples, Jesus begins to explain the signs of His coming. First, there will be widespread deception by a proliferation of false messiahs who will lead many astray (v.4-5, cf. v.23-24). Second, there will be disputes and warfare among nations (v.6-7a). Third, natural disasters will be rampant (v.7b). Forth, there will be severe persecution of the saints by the ungodly world (v.9). Fifth, false believers will defect as a result of the persecution when their true character reveals (v.10-12).



  1. The sign of His gospel 耶稣福音的迹象 (24:13-14)

However, though wickedness increases and the love of people towards the things of God grows cold, the Spirit-empowered gospel in the believer will preserve him. He endures in faith despite hardship or persecution because of his relationship to Christ, thereby allowing him to endure to the end, where his hope of delivery out of the present evil system will finally realize. In that day, there will be widespread declaration of the gospel like never before, and then the end will come.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Do we recognize the signs of Christ’s coming? Are we warned? Pray that we stay alert and be prepared for His Second Coming.



  1. “If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1 John 2:15) – People who love the world will eventually fall away when persecution comes. Pray that we constantly examine ourselves to see what is our first love.



  1. “For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith” (1 John 5:4); “He who began good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1:6). Let us thank our Almighty God for His hand of protection and preservation over us in this present evil age.



Matthew 马太福音 23:34-39 — Jesus’ Last Words to Israel 耶稣对以色列最后的话

After Jesus finished His series of seven curses against the scribes and Pharisees, He added a final word of warning, ending His last public sermon in a lament over His own people, the Jews.



  1. Judgment 审判 (23:34-36)

The coming of righteous men brings about their persecution and murder, because they are a rebuke to unrighteousness. After Israel crucifies their Messiah, they will proceed to kill and crucify His followers, especially godly men that He sends as His messengers (cf. Acts 7:58-60, 12:2; 2 Cor. 11:24-25). In doing so, these ministers of salvation would also become ministers of judgment. When additional chances of repentance results in their persistent rejection of Christ as their Lord and Saviour, they bring upon themselves the more severe judgment (cf. Rom. 2:5).

义人会引来自己的逼迫和杀害,因为他们的存在对不义之人是种谴责。以色列钉死了他们的弥赛亚后,会继而杀害祂的门徒,尤其是祂所差遣为使者的敬虔人(参:使7:58-60, 12:2;林后11:24-25)。如此,福音的执事也成为了审判的执事。当额外的悔改机会倒使他们持续拒绝基督为救主,他们将为自己带来更严重的审判(参:罗2:5)。


  1. Lament 哀叹 (23:37-39)

Since the call of Abraham, the Jews have been God’s special people – He pledged to preserve Israel and to call them back to Himself permanently in the future (Gen 15 & 17). However, Jesus “came to His own, and His own people did not receive Him” (Jn. 1:11); because they rejected God, God also rejected them. God has removed His protection over them, until that day when she will be ultimately be saved, restored and blessed (Jer. 23:5-6, Is. 66:10-22, Zech. 14:1-11).

自亚伯拉罕被召后,犹太人就一直是神特别的子民——祂宣示会保守以色列,日后召他们重归自己,直到永远(创15, 17)。然而,“他到自己的地方来,自己的人倒不接待他”(约1:11);由于他们拒绝神,神也拒绝了他们。神除去了对他们的保护,直到以色列最终得救、复兴,并蒙福的那日(耶23:5-6,赛66:10-22,撒14:1-11)。


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告

  1. “All who desire to live a godly live in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Tim. 3:12). Although we may not be martyred or severely beaten like the apostles, pray that we are willing to live a life separated unto righteousness even though we may be despised by people around us.



  1. Yes it is our Lord’s desire for none to perish but all to repent (2 Pet. 3:9). Yet do we take our Lord’s patience and mercy for granted, stubbornly living rebellious lives and assumed on God’s forgiveness but not judgment? Pray that we would be awaken from our sleep.



  1. God loves us intimately corporately as well as individually. Let’s pray that we do not cause our Lord to grieve over our sins and shame but a delight to Him in His sight?
