Matthew 马太福音 23:23-33 — The Works of the False Leaders II假教师的工作(二)

  1. Inversion 颠倒轻重 (23:23-24)

Jesus cursed the scribes and Pharisees for magnifying the insignificant and minimizing the essential. They were obsessed in ensuring that people paid the correct tithe, but give scant attention in their lives to obeying the scriptures’ moral truths.



  1. Self-indulgence 自我放纵 (23:25-26)

Jesus also cursed the scribes and Pharisees for their extortion of others for indulgence of themselves. The unscrupulous leaders appeared to have pious devotion to the Lord, but inwardly plundered both the souls and money to serve themselves.



  1. Contamination 玷污他人 (23:27-28)

In Jesus’ time, a person becomes ceremonially unclean for seven days if he touched a dead body or grave (Num. 19:16), thus tombs were carefully whitewashed to identify them apart. These glistening tombs had beautiful appearances, yet they not only contain dead bones, but spiritually defile one who touches it. The scribes and Pharisees were such.



  1. Pretension 虚假伪装 (23:29-33)

Lastly, Jesus cursed the scribes and Pharisees for their pretension in presuming to be superior to others. They asserted self-righteously that they will not persecute or martyr saints of God, and yet were plotting to kill Jesus – their own Messiah and Prophet – at that very moment. These people will be judged.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. God does not denounce tithing and He repeatedly said that a heart’s obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Sam. 15:22, Ps. 51:16-17, Hos. 6:6). Pray that you obey God’s word including the fruits of righteousness as well as offering.



  1. Essentially the allures of the world blinded the eyes of the scribes and Pharisees (1 Jn. 2:16), hence they are unable to love God and their neighbors, using all means and ways to gratify their desires of the flesh (Gal. 5:16). Pray that we fix our eyes on Jesus, serving each other with love that comes from a pure heart (1 Tim. 1:5, 1 Pet. 1:22).



  1. Our Lord searches the hearts and minds of man (Ps. 139:1, Jer. 17:10, Rev. 2:23) – there is nothing in the dark that will not be brought to the light. Pray that we do not put up pretenses in front of man, yet harbor deep hatred both for them and God.



Matthew 马太福音 23:13-22 — The Works of the False Leaders I假教师的工作(一)

False teachers claimed to speak and act for God yet they lie about Him. Hence Jesus’ most scathing denunciations were reserved for them.



  1. Exclusion from the kingdom of heaven 从天国驱逐 (23:13)

Jesus repeatedly used the words “woe” and “hypocrites”. Woe is a declaration of a formal divine judgment from God; “hypocrites” are theatrical goodness that is simply for show. First, Jesus cursed the false leaders for teaching false religion in Israel which promised heaven but can only deliver hell. They came out with philosophies that may raise moral standards of the Jews, but is unable to remove their sin or provide reconciliation to God.

耶稣反复地使用“假冒为善”与 “有祸了”这两个词语。“假冒为善”指的是仅为演出的装扮,而“有祸了”是神正式的神圣审判宣言。首先,耶稣为假教师在以色列所教导的假信仰诅咒他们,因为他们所应许的天国,实际上是地狱。他们捏造了许多或能提高犹太人道德标准的哲学教导,却无法除去他们的罪,也无法使他们与神和好。


  1. Subversion of the kingdom of heaven 颠覆天国 (23:15)

Second, Jesus cursed the false leaders of not just shutting their own people out of heaven, but also going out to convert Gentiles into their religious falsehood that had replaced biblical Judaism.



  1. Perversion of truth of the kingdom of heaven 扭曲天国的真理 (23:16-22)

Third, Jesus called the false leaders “blind guides”, “blind fools” and “blind men” (v.16, 17, 19) in this indictment. As God’s chosen people entrusted with His revelation, the Jews considered themselves as the mark of truth (cf. Rom. 2:19-20). However, they had developed double standards – wicked pretenses for using holy things to disguise unholy gains and lies.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Following false leaders have eternal consequences. Are we able to discern their false teachings and falsehoods? Pray that you will be able to discern by using God’s Word.



  1. What is our heart’s desire? Do we chase after short-lived rewards on earth, or to lay up eternal treasures in heaven (6:19-20)? Please ask for godly desire that honor God.



  1. We thank God for humble leaders who gladly accept lowly service in the Lord’s name. We pray that the Lord will continue to keep these leaders in the way of the righteousness and for His glory.



Matthew 马太福音 23:1-12 — The Characteristics of a Leader 一名领袖的特征

Throughout the history, the greatest threat to God’s work has been false prophets and teachers, because they are proposed to speak in His name yet their deeds denied Him. After Jesus’ direct confrontation with the false spiritual leaders, He gave His final public warning to them and to the people on the eternal danger of perverse teachings of false teachers. The Lord wanted to draw people away from them, and to turn the people to true teachings and godly leaders.



  1. Characteristics of false spiritual leaders 虚假属灵领袖的特征 (23:1-7)

False leaders “have seated themselves in the chair of Moses” (v.2, NASB); they were not appointed by God nor even elected by the people to the position. “They preach, but do not practice” (v.3); this is the crux of their very nature. Their hearts’ motivation is only to be seen and recognized by man in public (v.5-7), instead of fearing God who is in secret, who searches mind and heart (6:4, Rev 2:23). This drives them to pretenses of piety, but they do not have a true shepherd’s heart (v.4; cf. 11:28-30).

  1. Characteristics of true spiritual leaders 真实属灵领袖的特征 (23:8-12)

On the contrary, true leaders avoid elevated titles (v.8-10). Men who faithfully proclaim and interpret God’s Word are to be appreciated, loved, and highly esteemed by those they serve (1 Thess. 5:12-13), but they are not to seek honor, much less demand or glory in it. Human teachers are all brothers with every other believer; no man’s calling, however unique, justifies him to be portrayed as being spiritually superior. They willingly accept lowly service in their Lord’s name, following their Lord’s example.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Are you following godly leaders? Do they preach the Bible in exposition? Pray for your leaders that they will be faithfully teaching God’s Word to you.



  1. Are your leaders attractive and sweet talkers? By definition, false leaders are attractive and sweet talkers. They tell you what you like to hear not what God wants you to hear. Hard Truth confronts and challenges us. It makes us feel uncomfortable. This is the role God given them. Pray that you accept their chastening and hard teaching. Pray that you follow the hard truth rather teaching that make us feel good.



  1. Are you following leaders that are abled communication experts or are they constantly seeking to implement the truth? Paul said, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” (1 Cor. 11:1) Pray that you are following leaders that lead by example.



Matthew 马太福音 22:41-46 — Who Is Jesus Christ? 耶稣基督是谁?

After irrefutably answering the three questions the Jewish leaders had designed to entrap Him, Jesus now went on the offensive by asking them a question about the identity of the Messiah, the Christ.

耶稣对犹太领袖提出的三个刁难问题给予了无可辨驳的回答后, 反过来考问他们对弥赛亚——基督身份的认识。


  1. The inadequate answer 有欠恰当的答案 (22:41-42)

To the Pharisees as well as to most other Jews, the Messiah was no more than a man and the only identity of the Messiah they took seriously was that of his being the Son of David.


  1. The irresistible question 单刀直入的问题 (22:43-45)

Every Jew recognized Psalm 110 as being written by David and it is also one of the clearest messianic passages in the Old Testament. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, David had declared that God told the Messiah to sit at His (God’s) right hand, a place of coequal rank and authority. If David calls Messiah “Lord”, Jesus asked the Pharisees, how is Messiah the Son of David? Jesus’ point was that Messiah is David’s Son yet that alone was not the complete answer. The point is that Messiah is also the Son of God.

  1. The inappropriate response 令人叹息的回应 (22:46)

When Jesus finished His short but irrefutable proof of the Messiah’s divinity, the Pharisees and other religious leaders were dumbfounded but not convinced, silenced but not convicted, humiliated but not humbled, reluctantly impressed but still unbelieving.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Jesus asked the Pharisees a question when they were gathered together, “Who is the Christ?” This is the ultimate question. The answer will determine your eternal destiny. The Pharisees though they knew the answer yet they are far from the truth. How about you? Please pray that you REALLY know who Jesus Christ is.



  1. The Pharisees’ answer about the identity of Christ is partially correct. Partially correct answer cannot save. The Devil always gives half true and half false answer. This is most dangerous answer. Do you have the answer 100% correct? Pray that you study the God’s Word seriously to get the 100% answer correct.



  1. When Jesus showed them the right answer they knew it is true because they cannot answer. Yet they refused to accept. They are hard hearted. Pray that our heart will be soft and tender to receive the truth without hindrance.



Matthew 马太福音 22:34-40 — The Great Commandment 大诫命

After Jesus put the Sadducees to silence, the Pharisees try to entrap Jesus again with the third question aimed to discredit Him.



  1. Love to condemn 爱谴责 (22:34-36)

The particular one who chose to confront Jesus was a lawyer, which indicated his unusual expertise in the Mosaic Law. Over the years, the rabbis had tried to divide the laws into heavy (absolutely binding) and light (less binding). However, there had never been unanimity as to which laws were heavy or light. Hence the Pharisees assumed that Jesus’ naming of the one great commandment in the Law would be sufficiently unorthodox to condemn Him.



  1. Love the Lord 爱主 (22:37-38)

Jesus answered without hesitation, and it is totally in line with Mosaic Law. The Hebrew word for love “Aheb” used in Deuteronomy 6:5, is equivalent to the Greek agape in the New Testament, which is intelligent, purposeful and committed love that is an act of the will. To love the Lord with all one’s heart, soul and mind is not compartmentalizing love into categories, but to denote that we are to love God with every part of our being.



  1. Love your neighbour 爱人如己 (22:39-40)

After stating the first and greatest commandment, Jesus added the second as well: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Genuine love for one’s neighbor is of the same kind as genuine love for God. Just as a person looks out for his own welfare, he will also look out for the welfare of others if he truly loves them.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Do you recognize the absolute authority of the Scripture as the Word of God? Know that “all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16) and let us pray that by the Word of God, we may be complete and equipped for every good work.



  1. The greatest commandment in the Bible is to love God with all our heart, all our soul and all our mind. Do you love God with every part of your being? “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” (Matt. 10:37). Let’s pray that we will truly love God with our whole heart.



  1. The second greatest commandment in the Bible is to love our neighbor. Do you love the people around you? Let’s pray that we will “not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” (1 John 3:18)


Matthew 马太福音 22:23-33 — The Ignorant Unbelievers 无知的不信者

To discredit Jesus, a question was asked by the Sadducees who did not believe in the resurrection of the body.



  1. The ignorance of God’s resurrection 对神死里复活的无知 (22:23-28)

The custom of levirate marriage had been practiced for many centuries and was recognized to be a divine provision for the preservation of tribal families. To the Sadducees it seemed the perfect means to prove the absurdity of the idea of resurrection.



  1. The ignorance of God’s power 对神大能的无知 (22:29-30)

Instead of being disgraced, Jesus pointed them to their ignorance in God’s power and God’s word. In heaven, men will be like the angels, with spiritual, glorified and eternal bodies. Why should anyone deny the resurrection because of the foolish idea that God is restricted to raising up only earthly bodies? Such a belief foolishly attacks the power of God.



  1. The ignorance of God’s word 对神话语的无知 (22:31-33)

As the Sadducees only recognized the authority of the Pentateuch, hence Jesus reminded them of a statement spoken by God in the book of Exodus. Though Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were long dead, the Lord was still their God every bit as much as when they were alive, because their souls were experiencing the fellowship of His eternal presence. The present tense is used because God is not the God of the dead but of the living. If He is presently the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, then those men obviously are still alive in another realm.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Many people refute the truth in the Bible because of the absurdity of the truth based on their limited understanding. What about you? Do you believe everything that is said in the Bible?



  1. God’s power is so great that it can raise Jesus from the dead, for death has no power over Jesus. Let’s pray that the eyes of our heart will be enlightened, that we may know what is the hope to which he has called us, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe (Eph. 1:18-19).



  1. The Sadducees had a wrong understanding of Scripture and hence they had a wrong idea of the resurrection. Let us pray that we will be like the Bereans, who “received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” (Acts 17:11)



Matthew 马太福音 22:15-22 — Christian and Taxation 基督徒与纳税

Following Jesus’ series of judgment parables against them, the religionists responded by confronting Him with a series of three questions to maneuver Him into condemning Himself either politically or religiously.



  1. The attack 其攻击 (22:15-17)

The Pharisees used their disciples to pose this question on poll tax in hope that Jesus would be caught off guard. They even allied with the Herodians who had strong allegiance to Rome as their witness against Jesus. The poll-tax was an annual tax which was resented by the Jews. If Jesus gave a favorable answer to the tax, He would become despised by the Jewish community. But if He declared that the tax should not be paid to Caesar, He would then be accused as an insurrectionist.



  1. The analogy 其比喻 (22:18-20)

Only the Roman denarius could be used to pay the poll-tax in Jesus days. It was exclusively minted by the emperor, with his engraving and an identifying inscription. It was the denarius that Jesus used as the analogy before answering them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”



  1. The answer 其答复 (22:21-22)

The word “render” means to give back and carries the idea of obligation and responsibility. In His answer, Jesus here declared that every person has the legitimate duty of paying taxes to their government. This is the authority given to the government by God. However, men must also render to God the things that are God’s.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Instead of taking Jesus’ warnings to heart and seeking to avoid the judgment, the Pharisees only wanted a word from Jesus in order to bring about His own destruction. What about you? Are you taking the Word of God to heart? Or are you focusing to get what you want?



  1. “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” (Rom 13:1) Do you obey the governing authorities or do you follow the cultural practice of opposing against them? Let’s pray that we will obey the government not in fear of men, but in the fear of God.



  1. The government only has authority over us in the social and economic realm. Are you able to discern your obligation to the government and to God?




Matthew 马太福音 22:1-14 — Many Are Called, Few Are Chosen 被召的人多,选上的人少

This is the third judgment parables given by Jesus in respond to the religious leaders who challenged His authority.



  1. The guests invited 邀请宾客 (22:1-6)

In this story, God was represented by the king and His chosen people, Israel, were the invited guests. The gospel invitation was given repeatedly by the prophets to attend the wedding feast, which was God’s promised blessing to Israel. However, the invitation was rejected as shown in two responses – indifference and hostility. The first response was due to their preoccupation with daily living and personal pursuits.



  1. The guests punished 惩罚宾客 (22:7-8)

The guests are punished for rejecting the king’s call and the prophetic feature was fulfilled in AD 70. Because Israel has rejected the Son, God also rejected them.



  1. The new guests invited 邀请新宾客 (22:9-10)

The call to salvation was thus extended to the gentiles. All who accepted the gospel were now the dinner guests to the wedding feast.



  1. The unprepared guests expelled 驱逐无预备的宾客 (22:11-14)

However, the only acceptable way to attend the wedding is to put on the wedding garment as required by the King. Anyone who tried to come to the Lord unprepared or on his own terms as represented by the guest will be punished. In the day of Judgment, their falsehood would become obvious and their removal is certain.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Although the blessing of salvation was promised to the Israelites, but they had rejected the gospel of salvation. It is not those who are Abraham’s offspring in the flesh, but those who are Abraham’s offspring in the faith that will receive the promised blessing. Are you in the faith? Please examine yourself and respond in prayer.



  1. We used to be a wild olive shoot, now grafted in by faith to share in the nourishing root of the olive tree (Rom. 11:17). Let’s pray that we will not be arrogant but be fearful and remember God’s kindness towards us.



  1. The only acceptable wedding garment is genuine sanctification produced by the sanctified eternal life. Are you bearing fruits in keeping with your repentance? “Even now, the axe is laid to the roots of the trees. Every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.” (Matt. 3:10-11) Let’s pray that God will continue His sanctifying work in our hearts.



Matthew 马太福音 21:33-46 — Judgment on the Unrepentant 对不信的审判

In this passage Jesus gives three parables to illustrate more graphically the willful rejection of God by the Jewish leaders. This is the second of the trilogy of judgment.



  1. The parable illustrated 比喻的叙述 (21:33-41)

The parable speaks of a master who took great pains in developing his vineyard before leasing it to the tenants. However, the tenants will need to pay a percentage of the proceeds to him as rent. When it comes to the time to collect the fruit, the tenants repeatedly reject and even kill the Master’s servants. Ultimately, the Master sent His own son and even so they killed him. Jesus asked the Jews how shall the master judge the tenants. They rightly answered that the tenants shall be put to dead and the vineyard be given to others who can produce fruits.

  1. The parable explained 比喻的解释 (21:42-44)

Jesus then tied the messianic psalm (Ps. 118:22-23) to the parable. God had prepared a place of great beauty and blessing, gave it to the stewardship of Israel, but she misappropriated them for herself, robbing God of His honour, persecuted His prophets, and even murdered His Son. As such, unbelieving Israel would be judged and the promise will be given to the Gentiles who believe.

  1. The pugnacious reaction 好斗的反应 (21:45-46)

The Jewish leaders knew Jesus was talking about them but refused to repent. Instead they seek to revenge but were stopped because they feared the crowd.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Why does Jesus use three parables to illustrate one single truth? What truth is this that Jesus had to go all the way out to show them? Please refer to the lesson on Matthew 21:24.



  1. Is bearing fruit so important to salvation? Can you demonstrate using this parable (Matt. 21:33-44)?



  1. In the same way, the Lord gives us eternal life, spiritual gifts and many other blessings. What do we do with them? Are we good stewards? Are we making the same mistakes as the Jews? Please examine and respond in prayer.

Matthew 马太福音 21:23-32 — The Ways of the Unrepentant 不信之人的作风

To the Jewish leaders, there was nothing more humiliating than the cleansing of Temple. In the beginning the Pharisees and scribes were powerless to stop Jesus. But slowly as they recovered from the shock, they started to turn on the offensive.



  1. Rejection of Jesus’ authority 拒绝耶稣的权柄 (21:23-27)

In Israel, a rabbi would first be ordained by the Sanhedrin before he was given the corresponding authority for his role. Jesus did not have such an ordination, and hence He was questioned on His authority to teach and preach. Interestingly, they never questioned His power and ability to perform miracles. However, no amount of evidence would bring them to accept Him as Messiah. Their only objective was to find excuses so that they would have grounds to put Him to death.



  1. Rejection of God’s will 拒绝神的旨意 (21:28-32)

The parable of the two sons implied that it is immeasurably better for one to refuse initially but repent and obey later, than to hypocritically say yes but did not obey. Jesus’ point was that the claim to religion does not qualify a person to enter the kingdom. On other hand if a person, who committed a gross sin but later repented from it, he will be forgiven and allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven. The Lord said to them, “Truly I say to you that the tax-gatherers and harlots will get into the kingdom of God before you.” No rebuke could have cut them deeper or infuriated them more, because in their eyes, tax-gatherers and harlots were the scum of society perhaps even worse than Gentiles. Yet they will be allowed to enter heaven but the Pharisees and scribes are refused to the door of heaven.




Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. Where does Jesus’ authority come from? From heaven or from man? How do you know?



  1. The Jews were preoccupied with the peer pressure that they are not thinking clearly (Matt. 21:25-26). What about you? Are you being influenced by our society such that you are not thinking clearly about Jesus?



  1. There are many of us who give religious correct answers in church yet in our daily lives we did not obey Jesus’ command – can we call ourselves Christians?
