Joshua 约书亚记 10 — Integrity 诚实

When you make an agreement with the enemy, there is no end to the problems you create for yourself. Israel had to defend the very people they should have defeated. Imagine the servants commanding the masters (v. 6)!



God could have said, “You got yourself into this, so you can get yourself out!” But instead, He gave His people encouragement (v. 8) and fought for them from heaven (vv. 10–11). When Joshua needed more time to finish the battle, God stayed the sun and moon in answer to prayer. The Canaanites worshiped the heavenly bodies, so this miracle must have impressed them greatly. If we are doing the will of God, prayer has tremendous power.



Victory over the five kings opened the way for Joshua to attack southern Canaan until he had subdued the whole region. What began as a humiliating defense maneuver ended up a glorious series of victories: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom. 8:31).



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. God is a faithful God and when He gives His words He keeps them, even to His enemy. This is what the Lord expects of us also. So when Joshua and the leaders gave their promise to the Gibeonites, they had to protect them. This is the way of integrity. Let’s pray that we are careful with our promises and keep our words.



  1. In spite of their paganism, these Gibeonites are a good example for people to follow today. When they knew they were headed for destruction, they came to Joshua (“Jehovah is Savior”) and obtained from him a promise of protection. When the Gibeonites found themselves in danger, they believed Joshua’s promise and called on him for help. That’s what God’s people need to do when they find themselves facing the battles of life. The Gibeonites turned the whole burden over to Joshua and trusted him to keep his word, and he did. Do we seek help from God when we are facing difficulties in life? Let’s pray that we do.



  1. Joshua prayed that the sun stood still and it did. This is an outright monumental miracle. Joshua, moved by the Lord’s will, commanded the sun to delay (Heb., “be still, silent, leave off”). The earth actually stopped revolving or, more likely, the sun moved in the same way to keep perfect pace with the battlefield. The moon also ceased its orbiting. This permitted Joshua’s troops time to finish the battle with complete victory (v. 11). It is incredible what the Lord can do for us. However, it depends on God’s sovereign will to fulfill His will.
