Joshua 约书亚记 4 — Stepping out in Faith 凭信心迈步

It is good to memorialize the great acts of the Lord, provided that the memorials do not become idols. Each new generation must learn what God has done for His people so that they will obey His Word and trust Him for the future (Ps. 78:1–8). When you have living faith in a living God, the past is not “dead history.” It throbs with living reality.



“Crossing the Jordan” is not a picture of dying and going to heaven despite what some songs say. It illustrates the teaching of Romans 6: death to the old self-life and identification with Christ in resurrection power. Nobody but God can see the stones in the middle of the Jordan, but the record bears witness that they are there. So it is with the death and resurrection of Christ: we believe the record and thus experience the miracle.



The stones on the shore reminded the people that the old life was buried and they should “walk in newness of life” (Rom. 6:4; Col. 3:1ff.). Have you crossed the Jordan and set up your memorial of faith?



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. During most of the year, the Jordan River was about a hundred feet wide; but at the spring flood season, the river overflowed its banks and became a mile wide. However, as soon as the priests bearing the ark put their feet into the river, the water stopped flowing and stood like a wall about twenty miles away upstream, near a city called Adam. It was a miracle of God in response to the faith of the people. Unless we step out by faith (1:3) and “get our feet wet,” we’re not likely to make much progress in living for Christ and serving Him. Each step that the priests took opened the water before them until they were standing in the midst of the river on dry ground. They stood there as the people passed by; and when the whole nation had crossed, the priests walked to the shore and the flow of the water resumed. When Israel crossed the Jordan River, it was not only the priests but also the people stepping out in faith. God can never open the way for us if we do not step out in faith. Let’s pray that we are willing to step out in faith and obey God.



  1. With the 12 stones which they took out of the Jordan, Joshua set up a monument at Gilgal (Jos 4:20). Why? The answer is given in Jos 4:24, “So that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the LORD is mighty, that you may fear the LORD your God forever.” Let’s pray that we remind ourselves of the omnipotence of the Lord and fear Him in all our lives.
