Matthew 马太福音 28:16-20 — The Great Commission of the King 君王的大使命

It was a week of confusion for the disciples. It began with Jesus’ prediction that Judas will betray him and followed by Jesus’ arrest, Peter’s three times denial, and Jesus’ crucifixion. They were in a maze. Although Jesus was finally resurrected and appealed to them, they were still in shock. So Jesus assured them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” (Mat 28:18) Jesus has finally emerged as a victor not a victim. He has overcome death. He is now the King of kings and Lord of lords. As they gather in Galilee Jesus gave them their mission: to make disciples. This is the main verb of the sentence. This command is followed by three participles which tell us how they are to fulfill the command: Go, baptize and teach others all that Jesus has taught them.



  1. Going 去  (28:19a)

It is interesting that so many of us sitting in the church and asking people to come instead of us going out to share the gospel. It is not wrong to invite people to the church but we must bring the gospel to our family, relatives and friends.



  1. Baptizing 施洗  (28:19b)

Baptism is not just a ritual but a testimony and proclamation that we have died with Christ and raised with Him. It means a changed life. We no longer live in sin but holiness.



  1. Teaching 教训  (28:20)

Teaching the Bible is part of the great commission. If you evangelized and baptized without teaching ALL Jesus has taught, you have not fulfilled the great commission.


Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告
  1. Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. So go make disciples of all nations.” We go with the authority of King of kings and Lord of lords. So like Paul, we should not be ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation (Rom. 1:16). Let’s pray that we go with confidence to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.



  1. We must not be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God for salvation. It is the power to change lives. Jesus commands us to go and baptizing all who believe in Him. Baptism is a testimony of changed life. Pray that we not only baptize others but also testify daily to the changing power of the gospel in our own life.



  1. Teaching is essential part of the great commission. So many said they only want to evangelize and do not want to get into theological debates. That in itself is a theological position. The great commission includes going, baptizing and teaching ALL he had taught us. Are we doing that? Pray that we faithfully teach the whole counsel of God to them.
